The Alternative Architecture Special Interest Group (AltArch SIG) is happy to announce the release the x86 32-bit version of CentOS Linux 7. This architecture is also known as i386 or i686. You can get this version of CentOS from the INFO page. This version of CentOS Linux 7 is for PAE capable 32 bit machines, […]
Today we're announcing an update to CentOS Atomic Host (version 7.20151001), a lean operating system designed to run Docker containers, built from standard CentOS 7 RPMs, and tracking the component versions included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host. CentOS Atomic Host is available as a VirtualBox or libvirt-formatted Vagrant box, or as an installable […]
Today we're releasing a significant update to the CentOS Atomic Host (version 7.20150908), a lean operating system designed to run Docker containers, built from standard CentOS 7 RPMs, and tracking the component versions included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host. CentOS Atomic Host is available as a VirtualBox or libvirt-formatted Vagrant box, as an […]
A Flashable Image for the Intel Edison The Intel Edison system-on-a-chip boards are pretty cool, a little compute module can plug into a number of different breakout boards. There's an Arduino-style board, and another form-factor featuring a bunch of stackable modules (GPIO, SD Card, OLED Screen etc.) Since the system is a dual-core Atom, we can […]
OpenStack is the current de facto standard for cloud computing platforms and is supported by all major Linux distributions. Coupled with its role as the base technology in the domains of NFV & SDN, it has become one of the hottest softwares for networking community. It is a combination of numerous components and services, which […]
Johnny Hughes has already posted images for Cubietruck and Raspberry Pi 2 and told you how to use them with your boards. In this post, I would like to tell you all the what has gone into development of RootFS Build Factory so far which includes a bit about the CentOS ARMv7 effort. When I […]
When using on-demand instantiation of virtual machines in cloud computing, users pass configuration data to the cloud and that data is used for configuring the instances. This process is called contextualization. Contextualization includes identity(users, groups), network, system services and disk configuration. Flamingo is a contextualization tool that is being developed under GSoC 2015 that aims to handle […]
The CentOS Project has been performing daily CI testing for quite a while using our t_functional test suite. This testing has solved numerous issues for us in the past, although since it was being run daily sometimes we needed to re-release problem packages after fixes were rolled in. We have gotten the run time down […]
Ten days ago I wrote an article here about an armv7hl test image for the Cubietruck 32-bit ARM board. I have just uploaded a similar armv7hl image for the Raspberry Pi2. Both of these images are created with the RootFS Build Factory (a 2015 CentOS GSoC Project from Mandar Joshi sponsored by the CentOS Project). […]
About a week after announcing the CentOS 7 alpha build for AArch64 hardware, I got an email from the fine folks at AMD asking for my address. Three days later, a pair of AMD's Seattle AArch64 development boards showed up at my front door. Hardware really is the best sort of gift, especially when you're […]