

CentOS Board Meeting Recap, June 2024

Friday, 21, June 2024 shaunm Uncategorized No Comments

The recording of the April CentOS Board meeting is now available. Watch the recording Read the minutes The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting: Davide created an "Ask the CentOS Board" Matrix room. Pat has documented the new SIG retirement […]

Thanks to Equinix for sponsoring the CentOS Project

Thursday, 11, April 2024 Fabian Arrotin Uncategorized No Comments

The CentOS Project , as long as I can remember, wouldn't have been possible without help of various sponsors over the years. Most sponsors listed on https://www.centos.org/sponsors sponsored one or more machines hosted in various datacenters over the globe, but some had a huge impact over the content delivery. Some years ago, Packet.net (now Equinix.com) […]

CentOS Board Welcomes Troy Dawson

Thursday, 4, April 2024 shaunm Uncategorized 1 Comment

CentOS is excited to welcome Troy Dawson to the Board of Directors. The CentOS Board is made up of 10 members, nominated by the community and appointed by a vote of the board. Celeste Lyn Paul decided not to serve another term this year, so the board began the process of selecting a new directory. […]

CentOS mailing lists migration to mailman3

Wednesday, 3, April 2024 Fabian Arrotin Uncategorized No Comments

Due to a needed upgrade , we'll have to move the existing CentOS mailman instance (aka https://lists.centos.org) to a new server/host. Migration is scheduled for """"Monday April 8th, 7:00 am UTC time"""". You can convert to local time with $(date -d '2024-04-08 07:00 UTC') The expected "downtime" is estimated to ~60 minutes , time needed […]

March 2024 News

Friday, 29, March 2024 shaunm Uncategorized No Comments

March 2024 News CentOS Linux 7 and CentOS Stream 8 will both go EOL in just a couple months. Fabian Arrotin posted some details on how this will affect CentOS infrastructure. As a reminder, we have a blog post with EOL details and migration options. CentOS will migrate from Mailman 2 to 3 soon. Fabian Arrotin has asked […]

CentOS Stream is now available in Azure community galleries

Monday, 25, March 2024 bstinson Uncategorized 1 Comment

CentOS Stream 9 for x86_64 is now available in community gallery (feature of Azure Compute Gallery! You have always been able to generate CentOS Stream images and upload them to your tenants in Azure yourself, but getting started is now a little easier by using prebuilt images in the Gallery.  As an open-source community, the […]

CentOS at SCaLE

Friday, 8, March 2024 shaunm Uncategorized No Comments

SCaLE 21x is happening next week in Pasadena, CA. This is one of our favorite events, and we're excited to be taking part again. Join us at the CentOS Classroom on Thursday, March 14, from 2pm to 5pm. This is a new format we're testing to have small colocated CentOS events at larger open source […]

Distributions Devroom at FOSDEM 2024

Friday, 1, December 2023 shaunm Uncategorized No Comments

In two months, the CentOS Project returns to FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium on February 3-4, 2024. We will host CentOS Connect on the two dates before FOSDEM, and we'll once again have a stand at FOSDEM, shared with RDO and OKD. We're also joining with our friends at Fedora, AlmaLinux, Ubuntu, and openSUSE to deliver […]

CentOS Connect at Flock 2023

Thursday, 25, May 2023 shaunm Uncategorized 2 Comments

The CentOS team is excited to announce that we will be hosting a CentOS Connect event at Flock to Fedora on August 2, 2023. CentOS Connect is a series of mini-conferences that showcase the latest developments across the Enterprise Linux ecosystem. These events are usually colocated with other open source conferences to help reach a […]

Karanbir Singh stepping down from the CentOS Board

Tuesday, 19, October 2021 Rich Bowen Uncategorized 2 Comments

Today we have heard from KB that he is stepping down from the CentOS Board of Directors. On behalf of the Board, I want to thank KB for his years of leadership. His work on the project, and in the community, has made the world a better place in tangible ways that affect millions of […]