

End dates are coming for CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Linux 7

Tuesday, 11, April 2023 jcpunk General, Installation, upgrades 6 Comments

End dates are coming for CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Linux 7 We’ve got an important message for Developers, Administrators, and Users. Time flies when you’re building RPMs… ...and install images... and containers... and cloud images... and so much more! Time files when planning system migrations too - so start planning now! But, before we […]

Fasttrack is back!

Thursday, 13, December 2018 pgreco announcement, upgrades 3 Comments

Once upon a time, there was a repository called fasttrack, and it used to get low priority updates before going through all the usual checks. Eventually, that repo was deprecated, we couldn't delete it without breaking compatibility, so it just stayed there, empty and silent. A few days ago, a bug appeared in bind, that […]

Release for CentOS Linux 6.10 i386 and x86_64

Tuesday, 3, July 2018 Rich Bowen announcement, upgrades 4 Comments

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS Linux 6.10 and install media for i386 and x86_64 Architectures. Release Notes for 6.10 are available at: http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS6.10 CentOS Linux 6.10 is derived from source code released by Red Hat, Inc. for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10. All upstream variants have been placed into one […]

CentOS Pulse Newsletter, July 2018

Tuesday, 3, July 2018 Rich Bowen announcement, General, security, upgrades No Comments

We're pleased to publish another edition of the CentOS Newsletter. Once again, we cover latest releases, security updates, events, and reports from our SIGs (Special Interest Groups). You can read the newsletter at https://wiki.centos.org/Newsletter/1802 More information about the newsletter, and how you can contribute to future editions, is available at http://wiki.centos.org/Newsletter We always welcome comments […]

Meltdown and Spectre: The response from CentOS

Thursday, 18, January 2018 Rich Bowen kernel, security, upgrades No Comments

As you are no doubt well aware, the Meltdown and Spectre bugs are hardware flaws in Intel and AMD chips, and have been all over the tech news for the last few weeks. If you need to get up to speed on what they’re all about, we recommend this great blog post. CentOS, meanwhile, has […]

CentOS Linux 6 to CentOS Linux 7 Upgrade Tool

Friday, 17, November 2017 Johnny Hughes upgrades 2 Comments

There is an upgrade tool that allows for in-place upgrades from CentOS Linux 6 to CentOS Linux 7.  This tool is Community Maintained, and information is available on the CentOS Wiki and on the CentOS Mailing List. We currently do not have anyone from the Community maintaining the package, and in its current state it […]