

October news (Video)

Wednesday, 13, October 2021 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments

Here's an overview of the news for October.

CPE to staff EPEL work

Thursday, 2, September 2021 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments

We are pleased to announce that Red Hat is establishing a small team directly responsible for participating in EPEL activities. Their job isn't to displace the EPEL community, but rather to support it full-time. We expect many beneficial effects, among those better EPEL readiness for a RHEL major release. The EPEL team will be part […]

Announce: Online Dojo, October 7th and 8th

Wednesday, 21, July 2021 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments

We will be holding another online CentOS Dojo on October 7th and 8th. The call for presentations is now open. More details about the event are in the wiki, which will be updated with additional information as we have it.

CentOS IRC migration complete

Friday, 25, June 2021 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments

This is a followup to our earlier post regarding CentOS' move to the Libera IRC network. Thanks primarily to the efforts of John "Bahhumbug" and our other IRC ops, the move has been completed, and all channels have been moved from Freenode to irc.Libera.chat, complete with the topics, bots, access lists, and supporting documentation. Note […]

SIG experience feedback

Friday, 21, May 2021 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments

Thank you to everyone who responded to my call for feedback on the SIG process. A few people responded on-list. More people responded off-list. I’ve summarized common complaints, and in a few cases provided comments verbatim - especially when they already went to a public list. Please see the centos-devel mailing list for further discussion […]

CentOS IRC channels moving to irc.libera.chat

Wednesday, 19, May 2021 Rich Bowen Uncategorized 1 Comment

TL;DR: #centos and #centos-* are moving to libera.chat Over the past few days, there has been some upheaval on the Frenode IRC network, resulting in a number of the staff members quitting and starting a new IRC network. I don't wish to explain all the details here, but you can read more at https://kline.sh which […]

CentOS Stream is Continuous Delivery

Friday, 11, December 2020 Stef Walter Uncategorized 65 Comments

Continuous Delivery 101: Do the hard things continuously, so that they become easy. From the outside, it may appear that the way we build RHEL (and thus the CentOS Linux content) hasn’t changed in a decade. But beneath the covers, we’re pulling off a monumental transformation of how we develop RHEL without impacting our customers. […]

CentOS Project shifts focus to CentOS Stream

Tuesday, 8, December 2020 Rich Bowen Uncategorized 718 Comments

The future of the CentOS Project is CentOS Stream, and over the next year we’ll be shifting focus from CentOS Linux, the rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), to CentOS Stream, which tracks just ahead of a current RHEL release. CentOS Linux 8, as a rebuild of RHEL 8, will end at the end […]

An update on our Gitforge

Wednesday, 18, November 2020 lgriffin Uncategorized No Comments

Hey everyone, Back in March we published this blog where the CPE team came to a decision about a future Gitforge. The decision was made to opt for Gitlab as the Forge of choice. We can now announce that the service has been stood up successfully, with Gitlab running this as a SaaS offering on […]

Board approves creation of Infrastructure SIG

Thursday, 10, September 2020 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments

As any open source project grows and matures, the people who have always done all the things can’t do everything any more. CentOS is at that point (really, we have been for a long time) and we’ve been struggling with those kind of growing pains for some years. Recently, we made a small change in […]