Friday, 24, June 2016 bstinson ci, cico, t_functional No Comments

Testing your software project is important. Effectively communicating your test results to those that consume your project comes in a close second. Recently we enabled the Embeddable Build Status plugin in which provides Pass/Fail images for the latest build of each job in CICO. These badges are perfect for inclusion in upstream webpages, and in Github README […]

Wednesday, 8, July 2015 Johnny Hughes General, t_functional 1 Comment

The CentOS Project has been performing daily CI testing for quite a while using our t_functional test suite. This testing has solved numerous issues for us in the past, although since it was being run daily sometimes we needed to re-release problem packages after fixes were rolled in. We have gotten the run time down […]

Thursday, 26, December 2013 Christoph Galuschka t_functional 2 Comments

So, the t_functional stack should now be able to use '7' to distinguish between releases in various tests (as it allready does for 5 and 6). This has allready been added to the test for vconfig. So 45 tests remain to be fixed.

Thursday, 26, December 2013 Fabian Arrotin t_functional 2 Comments

So, Christoph blogged about t_functional and how it is used for CentOS QA. Here is the first status of the actual t_functional stack against el7b1 : the following tests need to be adapted to work on el7 (I'm talking about our QA test scripts, not our build results !) : p_amanda:FAIL p_anaconda:FAIL p_arpwatch:FAIL p_busybox:FAIL p_centos-release:FAIL […]

Wednesday, 18, December 2013 Christoph Galuschka t_functional No Comments

As - hopefully - lots of people know, we have a CI-instance running which is using the t_functional repository to test CentOS-5 and CentOS-6 images on a daily basis. These tests are then in turned used in the automated QA-process once a new point release is in that stage. These tests will have to be […]
