This report covers work that happened between January 27th 2024 and July 3rd 2024. For previous work, see the 2023Q4 report. Purpose The Hyperscale SIG focuses on enabling CentOS Stream deployment on large-scale infrastructures and facilitating collaboration on packages and tooling. Membership update Since the last update, the SIG membership has remained the same. We […]
June 2024 News CentOS Linux 7 will be EOL on June 30. Please migrate to CentOS Stream 9 or another suitable option. Various services that used CentOS Linux 7 will be retired at the end of June. In particular, the CentOS Forums will be shut down, and redirect to the CentOS category on Fedora Discourse. […]
The recording of the April CentOS Board meeting is now available. Watch the recording Read the minutes The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting: Davide created an "Ask the CentOS Board" Matrix room. Pat has documented the new SIG retirement […]
As you probably know, CentOS Stream development is happening in the open on You can see changes happening in real time in the redhat/centos-stream/rpms namespace. You can check open merge request, create yours and provide feedback. Yet, due to the limitations of the Gitlab platform, we have not been able to provide an unauthenticated […]
This is a summary of the work done by the CentOS Infrastructure team. This team maintains the infrastructure for both CentOS and CentOS Stream. This update is made from infographics and detailed updates. If you want to just see what’s new, check the infographics. If you want more details, continue reading.
The recording of the April CentOS Board meeting is now available. Watch the recording Read the minutes The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting: The board discussed what to do with CentOS 7 AMIs after the CentOS 7 EOL. We […]
The CentOS Project , as long as I can remember, wouldn't have been possible without help of various sponsors over the years. Most sponsors listed on sponsored one or more machines hosted in various datacenters over the globe, but some had a huge impact over the content delivery. Some years ago, (now […]
CentOS is excited to welcome Troy Dawson to the Board of Directors. The CentOS Board is made up of 10 members, nominated by the community and appointed by a vote of the board. Celeste Lyn Paul decided not to serve another term this year, so the board began the process of selecting a new directory. […]
Due to a needed upgrade , we'll have to move the existing CentOS mailman instance (aka to a new server/host. Migration is scheduled for """"Monday April 8th, 7:00 am UTC time"""". You can convert to local time with $(date -d '2024-04-08 07:00 UTC') The expected "downtime" is estimated to ~60 minutes , time needed […]
March 2024 News CentOS Linux 7 and CentOS Stream 8 will both go EOL in just a couple months. Fabian Arrotin posted some details on how this will affect CentOS infrastructure. As a reminder, we have a blog post with EOL details and migration options. CentOS will migrate from Mailman 2 to 3 soon. Fabian Arrotin has asked […]