Just a quick update - the schedule from the recent CentOS Dojo at FOSDEM has been updated to include the videos from each presentation. Note: Three of the talks are missing video due to equipment failure.
On Friday of last week, we once again gathered in Brussels for our annual CentOS Dojo at FOSDEM. 14 speakers gave talks on a wide variety of topics, ranging from deeply technical, to community-centered, to a vision of what's coming in CentOS 8. The full schedule is on the event website, and the videos from […]
01 September 2018 - 31 November 2018 Purpose Packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private cloud infrastructure applications that one can install and run natively on CentOS. https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud Membership Update We are always looking for new members, especially representation from other cloud technologies. The SIG agreed to replace the inactive SIG Chair, Kushal Das, with […]
I'm at SC18 - the premiere international supercomputing event - in Dallas, Texas. Every year at this event, hundreds of companies and universities gather to show what they've been doing in the past year in supercomputing and HPC. As usual, the highlight of this event for me is the student cluster competition. Teams from around […]
After many years of excellent service by the Oregon State University Open Source Lab the CentOS Project has decided to migrate our web-based pastebin instance to a self-hosted platform running on our infrastructure. This has provided us the opportunity to move to a different solution based on the Stikked pastebin server which is a more modern […]
On February 1, 2019, we'll be holding our annual CentOS Dojo in Brussels, on the day before FOSDEM starts. FOSDEM, as you probably know, is the annual Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting in Brussels - two days of presentations, projects, and hallway meetings with new and old friends. For the last several years, […]
When we consolidated all CentOS Distro builders in a new centralized setup, covering all arches (so basically x86_64, i386, ppc64le, ppc64, aarch64 and armhfp those days), we wanted also to add redundancy where it was possible to. The interesting "SecureBoot" corner case came on the table and we had to find a different way to […]
This Thursday we held our first Dojo at DevConf.us in Boston. We had about 40 people in attendance, and had 9 presenters on a variety of topics. I want to particularly draw attention to our keynote, by Brendan Conoboy, who discussed the relationship - past and future - between Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL, which is […]
Join us this weekend (August 4th - 5th) in Bengaluru for DevConf.in, the second annual Developers' Conference. We want to draw particular attention to two talks. Bama charan Kundu will be talking about the CentOS Container Pipeline project: Various container build services offer developers to build their image with a git push and scan the container […]
Last week at the ISC-HPC event in Frankfurt, I had the opportunity to speak briefly with the amazing student teams in the SCC - Student Cluster Competition. These students use commodity hardware to build supercomputers, with a limit of 3KW power consumption, and compete on a variety of benchmarks. These teams are overwhelmingly powered by […]