Tuesday, 31, March 2015 Christoph Galuschka announcement, General 4 Comments

Today the CentOS-Project announced the immediate availability of CentOS-7 (1503), the second release of CentOS-7.   Find out more about the release announcement here: Also don't forget to read the release notes at the wiki:

Friday, 20, March 2015 kbsingh builds, General 17 Comments

Waiting for the new package set in the next CentOS-7 release ? A majority of them are now available on every CentOS-7 machine by running the following commands : yum update yum --enablerepo=cr list updates Its important you run a 'yum update' first, since the cr repo definitions are only available in the newer centos-release […]

Wednesday, 11, March 2015 kbsingh builds, General 7 Comments

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 was released a few days back, You can go read the release notes now. Its a great way to find out the big changes and enhancements in this release. On the CentOS side of things, we have been working through last week on getting the sources organised and the builds […]

Monday, 7, July 2014 kbsingh announcement, General 82 Comments

After three weeks in testing, we are very happy to announce the release for CentOS-7/x86_64 Please read the announcement here : And the Release Notes at : But this isnt the end of the seven process, it's where the fun begins - KB

Monday, 7, July 2014 kbsingh General 10 Comments

hi, At this point we have a set of images that we consider release grade, pending final testing, we will move to release these unless a major blocker is reported. folks with bandwidth to spare are encouraged to help seed these images via torrents, here are the urls to hit: […]

Friday, 13, June 2014 Jeff Sheltren General 21 Comments

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the first CentOS 7 QA Release. !!! This is a QA release only and not the final CentOS 7 release !!! In the past, CentOS QA testing has been performed by a small group of people within the CentOS community. We are happy that we are […]

Tuesday, 10, June 2014 Jim Perrin builds, General 3 Comments

As part of the preparation for CentOS 7, and with a growing focus around making the source easier to work with for developers and Special Interest Groups, the CentOS Project is publishing the git source tree used for building the distribution. This represents a bit of a change from previous releases and we understand that […]

Tuesday, 10, June 2014 Jim Perrin General 27 Comments

RHEL 7 is officially out and available for RHEL subscribers. You can get more information about the release from or via the press release at  Congrats to the RH team for all their hard work in making this happen.   As for CentOS 7, it's currently working its way through our build process. As we have […]

Wednesday, 30, April 2014 Jim Perrin General 6 Comments

With the default gnome3 desktop in el7, opening a terminal via the menu sometimes presents the user with a different PATH variable than if they right click the desktop and choose 'Open in Terminal'.For some reason it appears that the user's .bash_profile is not always read, which means ~/bin and ~/.local/bin are sometimes missing from […]

Thursday, 24, April 2014 kbsingh General 50 Comments

First, the download links : Drill down to the type of build, and ISOS are available as well, and remember to report bugs at Here at the CentOS Project, we are going to rebase our build plan and build efforts around the sources released along with this rhel7rc, more news on that in […]
