Greetings from the mirror-management department! This notice is for those who employ some sort of an automation to download AltArch (ie. aarch64, armhfp, i386, power9, ppc64, ppc64le) CentOS 7 .iso/.raw.xz images from Those using a regular browser to download these images are not particularly affected, and you can continue to the next post on […]
A few weeks ago, Fabian passed me the torch in our quest for a fully working EPEL rebuild for armhfp, that included access to the builders, the build system manager and a blind, unfunded trust that I wasn't going to break anything. The plan up to that point was, "if it builds, great, if it […]
With the release of CentOS 7.5.1804, the CentOS Project has taken the next big step in improving software delivery security by signing all repository metadata for CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 for all architectures, including the repositories for CentOS Special Interest Groups (SIGs) produced by the CentOS Community Build System (CBS). Wait, what do you […]
7.5.1804 is a big one. For the first time, we have a release for armhfp completely lined up with x86_64, but that also means a lot of changes. To make things a bit more complicated, the arm world is not exactly uniform, there are many vendors, chip manufacturers, chip versions and that makes testing an […]
What happens when you need something that is not readily available, but you can help get it done? In my case, start harrassing people until you get all the info you need. Enter @arrfab and @remicollet. Fabian got the builder ready, and contacted Remi who got me to use his SRPMS, all I had to […]
With the latest release of CentOS-7, we have added several new Alternative Architecture (AltArch) releases in addition to our standard x86_64 (x86 {Intel/AMD} 64-bit) architecture. Architectures (aka arches) in Linux distributions refer to the type of CPU on which the distribution runs. In the case of our standard release, it runs on x86 64-bit CPUs […]
The Alternative Architecture Special Interest Group (AltArch SIG) is happy to announce the release the x86 32-bit version of CentOS Linux 7. This architecture is also known as i386 or i686. You can get this version of CentOS from the INFO page. This version of CentOS Linux 7 is for PAE capable 32 bit machines, […]
A Flashable Image for the Intel Edison The Intel Edison system-on-a-chip boards are pretty cool, a little compute module can plug into a number of different breakout boards. There's an Arduino-style board, and another form-factor featuring a bunch of stackable modules (GPIO, SD Card, OLED Screen etc.) Since the system is a dual-core Atom, we can […]