This Thursday we held our first Dojo at in Boston. We had about 40 people in attendance, and had 9 presenters on a variety of topics.
I want to particularly draw attention to our keynote, by Brendan Conoboy, who discussed the relationship - past and future - between Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL, which is more complicated than many people understand. But we're working on simplifying those relationships, and Brendan does a great job of explaining where we're headed, and why.
The details of this event are in the CentOS Wiki and are being updated with slides and videos as they become available. All of the videos are in the event playlist on Youtube - check back over the coming week as we upload the remainder of the talks.
Our next event will be held at CERN in Meyrin, Switzerland, in October. Details are available at and we expect to post the schedule in the coming week.