CentOS Dojo @ FOSDEM: Videos

Wednesday, 14, February 2018 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments

For those of you who were unable to attend the CentOS Dojo in Brussels, here are all of the videos from the event.

Subscribe to our YouTube at youtube.com/TheCentOSProject 

KB's "State of CentOS"

Bert Van Vreckem - Basic troubleshooting of network services

Tomas Oulevey - Anaconda addon development

Matthias Runge - Opstools SIG

Haikel Guemar - Metrics with Gnocchi

Colin Charles - Understanding the MySQL database ecosystem

Fabian Arrotin - Content caching

Sean O'Keeffee - Foreman and Katello

Tom Callaway  - Building modern code with devtoolset

Spyros Trigazis - Practical system containers with Atomic

Kris Buytaert - Deplyong your SaaS stack OnPrem

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