The CentOS Project is pleased to announce four new Docker images in the CentOS Container Set, providing popular, ready to use containerized applications and services. Today you can grab containers with MariaDB, Nginx, FreeIPA, and the Apache HTTP Server straight from the Docker Hub.
The new containers are based on CentOS 7, and are tailored to provide just the right set of packages to provide MariaDB, Nginx, FreeIPA, or The Apache HTTP Server right out of the box.
The first set of applications and services provide two of the world's most popular Web servers, MariaDB for your database needs, and FreeIPA to provide an integrated security information management solution.
The CentOS Container Set is an effort to leverage the CentOS Project to give developers and admins the building blocks to easily set up containerized services in their environment. Keep an eye on the CentOS blog for further releases, or help us as we continue to develop more!
To get started with one of the images, use: `docker pull centos/<app>` where <app> is the name of the container (*e.g.* `docker pull centos/mariadb`). You can find some quick "getting started" info on the Docker Hub page for each application.
Jason Brooks has written up a longer howto for FreeIPA that details how to build the container (which is already done here, but you can rebuild the images if you like using the Dockerfiles on GitHub), and how to set it up to use FreeIPA with an application.
We have a larger set of Dockerfiles (derived initially from the Fedora Dockerfiles) set that we're working on to develop pre-made CentOS Docker containers for easy use. Join the centos-devel mailing list to ask questions about the containers, or to provide feedback on their use. We also accept pull requests if you have any fixes or new Dockerfiles to contribute!
I want to create a container of centos and above that I want to install various components like java, storm, zookeper, kafka, Hadoop etc. Can I do it with the image of centos/freeipa? If yes, how! I am trying to find out a solution for same but no luck till yet. Everytime when I am trying to download some component on my centos container its gives me unknown host error. Your help will be highly appreciated!!!!