CentOS Board Welcomes Troy Dawson
Thursday, 4, April 2024 shaunm Uncategorized 1 Comment

CentOS is excited to welcome Troy Dawson to the Board of Directors.

The CentOS Board is made up of 10 members, nominated by the community and appointed by a vote of the board. Celeste Lyn Paul decided not to serve another term this year, so the board began the process of selecting a new directory. We'd like to thank Celeste for her service and insights over the last two years. We had a lot of great nominations this time, and we'd also like to thank all the candidates for their willingness to serve, as well as the entire community for being engaged in the process.

Troy works on the Emerging RHEL team at Red Hat, which looks at the future of RHEL based on Fedora and CentOS, as well as the CentOS Stream team, which handles the day-to-day maintenance of CentOS Stream. He's a well-known and longtime CentOS and Fedora contributor, having been a Fedora contributor for 12 years and a CentOS contributor for 7. Before working on CentOS, he was one of the co-founders of Scientific Linux.

Troy is involved in a number of projects across the CentOS ecosystem. He's actively involved with EPEL, and has been an EPEL committee chair for almost four years. He's a member of the Fedora KDE SIG, which produces the Fedora KDE Plasma edtion. He's the chair and co-founder of the Alternative Images SIG, which is currently producing live CentOS images with both GNOME and KDE, and is working on adding more images. He's a member of the ISA SIG, which tests packages built with new CPU features enabled. And he was a co-founder of the original PaaS SIG, which worked on packaging OpenShift on CentOS (work that is now done in the Cloud SIG).

If you've seen Troy at a conference, you probably saw him wearing one of his Hawaiian penguin shirts. He designs and makes these shirts himself in his side business, Casual Penguins.

Troy's extensive experience, community involvement, and general friendliness will be a great addition to the board, and we look forward to working more closely with him.

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