CentOS Community newsletter, July 2020 (#2007)
Tuesday, 7, July 2020 Rich Bowen Uncategorized 2 Comments

Dear CentOS enthusiasts,

Thanks for coming back for another edition of the CentOS community newsletter.


8.2.2004 release

We are pleased to announce the general availability of CentOS Linux 8.2.2004. Effectively immediately, this is the current release for CentOS Linux 8 and is tagged as 2004, derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Source Code.

As always, read through the Release Notes at : http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS8.2004  - these notes contain important information about the release and details about some of the content inside the release from the CentOS QA team. These notes are updated constantly to include issues and incorporate feedback from the users.

More information at https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2020-June/035756.html

You can track the status of upcoming 7.x and 8.x releases at  https://wiki.centos.org/About/Building_7 and https://wiki.centos.org/About/Building_8 respectively

centos.org refresh

With a great deal of help from community members Fabian Arrotin and Alain Reguera Delgado, we are proud to announce our new centos.org website, which you can see today at https://centos.org/   The new site is built using Jekyll - https://jekyllrb.com/ - which makes it easier to contribute to, and easier to build and deploy.

If you want to contribute patches or changes to the website, that is now done via https://git.centos.org/centos/centos.org  The new workflow makes it easy to test your changes locally, and send pull requests which can be approved and rolled out automatically to the live site.

Additionally, of course the site design has been refreshed and redesigned, updating the site that was last refreshed in 2013. So a huge thank you in particular to Alain for that work.

Board meeting minutes

The minutes of the June CentOS Board of Directors meeting may be found on the CentOS Blog at https://blog.centos.org/2020/06/minutes-for-centos-board-of-directors-for-2020-06-10/

Highlights include:

Board Liaison role has passed from Karsten Wade to Brian “bex” Exelbierd, due to his strategic placement in Red Hat’s RHEL business unit. Please welcome bex to the board.

The Community Architect (currently Rich Bowen) has been added as a permanent invite to board meetings. This is to give you, the community, another way to have your voice heard.

The Secretary role has passed from Karsten Wade to Thomas Oulevey as part of the regular rotation of that position.

The July board meeting will be held on July 8th. (it’s always on the second Wednesday of the month.) If you have issues that you need to raise to the board, you are encouraged to open a ticket at https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues

CPE Updates

CPE (Community Platform Engineering) is the group in Red Hat which provides infrastructure support to the CentOS and Fedora projects. Their weekly updates, posted both to the centos-devel mailing list and to the CentOS blog, provide insight into what they’re working on, and what’s coming next.

To learn more about what CPE is doing, come to the CPE office hours, every other Tuesday at 15:00 UTC on the #centos-meeting IRC channel, on Freenode.


Please plan to join us September 24th and 25th for DevConf.US, an event for open source developers. The call for presentations is still open for one more day!


Errata and Enhancements Advisories

We issued the following CEEA (CentOS Errata and Enhancements Advisories) during June:

Errata and Security Advisories

We issued the following CESA (CentOS Errata and Security Advisories) during June:

Errata and Bugfix Advisories

We issued the following CEBA (CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisories) during June:

Other releases

The following releases also happened during June:

CentOS Stream

We've done a lot of work over the past few weeks to keep up to date with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Development. Currently Red Hat is in the middle of the development cycle for the upcoming RHEL 8.3, and you should be seeing some content from 8.3 reflected in CentOS Stream. Expect to see more content coming through as we add more modules. There is an updated installer and refreshed install media on the mirrors for you to try right now!

RealTime in CentOS Stream

One major addition to CentOS Stream is the RealTime (RT) repository. This is a set of packages that is developed alongside Red Hat Enterprise Linux, focused on latency-sensitive workloads. Because these packages are developed so closely with a given RHEL release, it makes perfect sense to include these packages in and gather feedback from CentOS Stream. The packages in the RealTime repository represent what's coming in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time addon for RHEL 8.3.

You can see the documentation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time here:

To enable this repository on your system, make sure you have a fresh install of CentOS Stream or `dnf update` to be sure you have the latest `centos-release-stream package` and enable the `Stream-RT` repository

Yum repo files are located in: `/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Stream-RT.repo`

As always, bugs can be reported against the CentOS Stream version in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Red%20Hat%20Enterprise%20Linux%208&version=CentOS%20Stream

SIG Reports

Software Collections SIG Report

 Membership update

We are always looking for new members. However, no changes in membership happened in the last six months.

Process changes and releases

  1. The SIG started to reap benefits of the new, streamlined process of releasing packages from the CentOS build system. As a consequence, packages successfully build in CBS should be now coming to you with less bureaucracy.

    However, this move required changes in the release CI. Although most of the associated issues are now resolved, there are still some kinks to iron out as we go along.

  1. The Red Hat Software Collections 3.5 were sucessfully rebuilt and should be presently available in the testing (buildlogs) repository. Due to the changes mentioned in the previous point, not all of the collections reached the release repositories (mirrors) yet, but they should be appearing gradually in a few weeks.

 New collections included in this release are:

    -   Perl 5.30 (rh-perl530)
    -   Python 3.8 (rh-python38)
    -   Ruby 2.7 (rh-ruby27)

    Several other existing collections also received updates.

    For details, please see the official release notes.

  1. The https://www.softwarecollections.org/ website was migrated to run in OpenShift environment. The benefits should include increased availability and stability. As the backend changes necessary were not insignificant, there may be unforeseen new issues still present despite the testing done beforehand. Please do not hesitate to report them to the sclorg mailing list.

Health and activity

The SIG remains active and tries to respond to any issues raised while keeping the official Red Hat collections available and up-to-date on CentOS.

However, most of the actual work is done by a single person (jstanek). More active members would be more than welcome, at least in order to increase the bus factor above 1 🙂


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