CPE Weekly: 2020-06-14
Monday, 15, June 2020 Aoife Moloney Uncategorized 1 Comment

The Community Platform Engineering group is the Red Hat team combining
IT and release engineering from Fedora and CentOS. Our goal is to keep
core servers and services running and maintained, build releases, and
other strategic tasks that need more dedicated time than volunteers
can give.

See our wiki page here for more
information: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/

General Project Updates


Please check out our updated initiative timetable for briefing in new
projects to our team
here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/time_tables/
*Note: Initiatives are large pieces of work that require a team of
people and weeks/months to complete. Please continue to open tickets
in the normal way for bugs, issues, etc.

Don't forget to view our taiga board to see the projects we are
currently working on, what we have scoped and whats in our backlog

CPE Product Owner Office Hours
* Weekly on Thursdays @ 1300 UTC on #fedora-meeting-1
* Every second Tuesday @ 1500 UTC on #centos-meeting (next meeting 23rd June)
* Meeting Logs
* Fedora: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/cpe_product_owner_office_hours/cpe_product_owner_office_hours.2020-06-11-13.01.log.html
* CentOS: https://www.centos.org/minutes/2020/June/centos-meeting.2020-06-09-15.00.log.html

Fedora Updates


Data Centre Move

* The final Fedora hardware shipment is due to happen on Tuesday 16th June.
* We expect the shipment to arrive in the new data centre the week
beginning 22nd June and the team will begin bringing up services that
are affected by the move.
* A list of affected services is available here
* Please read the below email sent by kfenzi if you have not already
done so: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/E7HJULW2S76FZCAICURWXX223N5ZXXD7/
* Details on what this move may mean for you can be found here
* If an application is not working correctly at all, please check this
list https://hackmd.io/hpYYJQRjQy-oHxUS7IonIA?view before opening a
ticket to make sure its not listed as being moved. If it is being
moved, please wait a day or two, then try again.
* Similarly, please be patient when opening tickets for service issues
in general as we have now reached the critical point in this move and
all of our sys-admins and wider teams will be assisting in the
successful bringup of the reduced Fedora service and facilitation of
the final hardware shipment and move.

AAA Replacement

* The team are working on the changing application code bases to use
the new solution
* They are also working on the CentOS account integration and the
solution will see users be able to select the contributor agreements
that are relative to their account.
* They are also testing a script to use in data migration from the
current FAS system to Noggin to allow for very little, if any, changes
to the user
* The team are also completing user documentation that includes a
how-to migration guide for maintainers and a guide to help users
understand the differences between Noggin and the current FAS option
(issue #246 on board)
* Please feel free to check out the team kanban board for more
information on the features the team are working on and have already
completed here https://github.com/orgs/fedora-infra/projects/6


* Project Dashboard here https://github.com/fedora-infra/mbbox/projects/1
* Tasks completed in the project currently
* MBS Backend CRD + documentation
* MBS Frontend CRD - configuration and certificates
* Draft of blog post about MBBox
* Tasks underway currently
* MBS Frontend CRD - deployment config and service
* Staging environment required
* MBox shared CRD


With the data centre move taking most of the teams focus this week,
discussions with gitlab have been quiet. We are still discussing
technical aspects of the project and these are tracked here:
We will keep you up to date with the developments as and when we have
information to share and thank you for your patience.

CentOS Updates



* OCP4 staging cluster in progress
* CentOS Linux 8.2.2004 content is in pre-release with more artifacts to come
* There was also a recent CentOS AMA on Reddit, logs are here so check
it out if you missed it

CentOS Stream

* The team have been working really hard to get package sources pushed
to keep caught up with RHEL
* We are also working on tooling for more push automation
* And tooling for RealTime and other Variants are coming in Stream soon

As always, feedback is welcome, and we will continue to look at ways
to improve the delivery and readability of this weekly report.

Have a great week ahead!


Source: https://hackmd.io/8iV7PilARSG68Tqv8CzKOQ?view

One thought on "CPE Weekly: 2020-06-14"
  • Frank says:

    Maybe silly question, but can you avoid using hard line breaks? That makes it hard to read on mobiles.

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