CPE Weekly 2020-04-18
Monday, 20, April 2020 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments


The Community Platform Engineering group is the Red Hat team combining
IT and release engineering from Fedora and CentOS. Check out our
team's info here https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/

GitForge Updates

We are still actively engaging with the Fedora Council and have not
made any further progress with this project. We are focusing on
ensuring we have captured the most granular of requirements before
further engaging with GitLab by rereviewing what we have gathered so
far and requesting more specific technical clarifications on some.
We are also as a team discussing the best way to track the updates on
this project publicly and hope to have something published early next
week. We will send an email to the devel list as soon as we have
agreed and created this.
Thank you for your patience and engagement with us thus far.

Fedora Updates

* Fedora 32 release: RC 1.3 was tested this week
* Go/No-Go meeting happened on Thursday 16th April - decision:No Go

Data Centre Move

* Please note Communishift is now down and is en route to the
datacentre in RDU-CC.
* We have a list of affected services that will be in effect from May
25th - July 1st (est) as part of the full datacentre move. You can
view that list here https://hackmd.io/hpYYJQRjQy-oHxUS7IonIA
* As always, please view our public schedule here for more a more
detailed overview

AAA Replacement

* The team officially kicked off phase two of the project development today.
* They are going to look at applications that currently use the FAS
client to change their codebase to the FASJSON client post production.
* The team are also working on adding a python library to the API so
that this maps to python objects easily.
* They are also working on API endpoints, specifically to be able to
retrieve the open-api specification in JSON format & provide a health
endpoint for monitoring tools.
* Our work is publicly tracked here if you want to find out more


* rpmautospec is available for testing in staging, find more info here

Sustaining Team

* The team are looking at creating a ticket dashboard for tickets and
have reused most the fedora-gather-easyfix code base to work on this
* https://fedorapeople.org/~humaton/cpe/

* Some cool stats about tickets from the infra repo here
* Mbbox:
* Review koji-hub CRD PR

Starting to play around with koji-ansible collections for releng work (here).
Automation of the openh264 packages.

CentOS Updates


* CentOS CI - stable with 0 downtime
* 7.8 QA tree is being tested by CentOS QA folks

CentOS Stream

* The team are working on having Stream be publically consumable in
the coming months, with SIG enablement so watch the devel lists for
more technical updates as and when they are announced!

As always, feedback is welcome, and we will continue to look at ways
to improve the delivery and readability of this weekly report.

Have a great weekend!


Source: https://hackmd.io/gSci385uRoeNVEuoNUS1pg?view

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