CentOS Dojo at Facebook postponed
Thursday, 5, March 2020 Rich Bowen Uncategorized No Comments

Due to the change in the status of Red Hat Summit, we have made the decision to postpone the CentOS Dojo at Facebook to a later date. Many of our potential speakers, as well as many of our attendees, had travel plans that were dependent on attendance at Red Hat Summit, and without that event happening they are no longer able to travel.

If you have already registered for the event, we encourage you to stay registered, so that we have an easy way to contact you about event updates through Eventbrite.

We do still plan to hold an event at Facebook, but, due to the current corona virus situation, we are holding off on making any firm plans until the danger has passed.

We thank you for your patience and understanding, and hope to see you when we reschedule.

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