We will be holding a CentOS Dojo at Facebook, Menlo Park, (San Francisco area) on April 24th. This is the Friday immediately before Red Hat Summit, so you can tack a few extra days on the front of your Summit trip and see how CentOS is used at Facebook.
Details of the event are available at https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/Facebook2020
The Call for Presentations is now open. We're looking for technical talks about stuff that is in and on CentOS. You can see examples of the content we have run in the past at https://www.youtube.com/thecentosproject
88% of our attendees in Brussels said that the content was about right, while 12% said it was not technical enough, if that helps set your expectations of what talks to submit.
The CFP closes on March 15th, and space is extremely limited, so don't wait. Get your talk submissions in now.
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