CentOS Pulse Newsletter, May 2019 (#1905)
Tuesday, 7, May 2019 Rich Bowen Newsletter 3 Comments

Dear CentOS enthusiast,

Another month into 2019, and we have a lot to tell you about.


Yes, we've mentioned this before, but we're still pretty stoked about it. On the 15th, we celebrated our 15th birthday with a small group of friends in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, before our Dojo at Oak Ridge National Laboratories. You can see some of the videos from that event beginning to appear on our YouTube channel.

If you would like to talk about your involvement in CentOS, please get in touch with Rich at rbowen@centosproject.org  You don't need to be one of the founders - just to have something interesting to say about your involvement, past, present, and future.

git.centos.org changes

As we mentioned last month, there have been some significant changes to git.centos.org. The service was upgraded/migrated to Pagure. You can read details about the change, and instructions on using the new service on the mailing list archive. And further documentation is now in the wiki, at https://wiki.centos.org/Sources

If you have any questions or difficulties using the new service, please drop by either the centos-devel mailing list, or the #centos-devel IRC channel on Freenode.


Releases and updates

We had another moderately busy month for update and releases.

Errata and Enhancements Advisories

We issued the following CEEA (CentOS Errata and Enhancements Advisories) during April:

Errata and Security Advisories

We issued the following CESA (CentOS Errata and Security Advisories) during April:

Errata and Bugfix Advisories

We issued the following CEBA (CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisories) during April:

SIG Updates

SIGs - Special Interest Groups - are where people work on the stuff that runs on top of CentOS. We have recently started having SIGs report quarterly, so we have just a few of them each month, getting through the entire list every 3 months.

We have the following SIG reports this month:


The NFV SIG posted their report to the CentOS blog.

Storage SIG

This is by no means a complete report but here are a few "juicy" notes
hopefully worth sharing!

Starting in May we'll have a new member in the Storage SIG: Francesco
Pantano, he'll start helping us with the maintenance of the
Ceph/ceph-ansible builds (and their deps).

We have in fact finally populated our Ceph Nautilus repo with a initial
Ceph Nautilus build and we also included RC builds of ceph-ansible;
please help us test both Ceph and the deployment tool itself enabling
the SIG repos by installing the new centos-release-ceph-nautilus package.

We're looking for help with the new builds test automation; ideally we'd
like to have automatic promotion into -release repos of the new builds
when these pass testing; if you can or are interested in helping us with
this effort please get in touch!

See you online.

Cloud SIG

Packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private cloud infrastructure applications that one can install and run natively on CentOS.
Membership Update
We are always looking for new members, especially representation from cloud technologies other than RDO.
Releases and PackagesRDO
April 8 - 12 OpenStack Stein Released https://blogs.rdoproject.org/2019/04/rdo-stein-released/
Interesting things in the Stein release include:
- Ceph Nautilus is the default version of Ceph, a free-software storage platform, implements object storage on a single distributed computer cluster, and provides interfaces for object-, block- and file-level storage, within RDO (or is it the default without OpenStack?).  Within Nautilus, the Ceph Dashboard has gained a lot of new functionality like support for multiple users / roles, SSO (SAMLv2) for user authentication, auditing support, a new landing page showing more metrics and health info, I18N support, and REST API documentation with Swagger API.
- The extracted Placement service, used to track cloud resource inventories and usages to help other services effectively manage and allocate their resources, is now packaged as part of RDO. Placement has added the ability to target a candidate resource provider, easing specifying a host for workload migration, increased API performance by 50% for common scheduling operations, and simplified the code by removing unneeded complexity, easing future maintenance.
Other improvements include:
- The TripleO deployment service, used to develop and maintain tooling and infrastructure able to deploy OpenStack in production, using OpenStack itself wherever possible, added support for podman and buildah for containers and container images. Open Virtual Network (OVN) is now the default network configuration and TripleO now has improved composable network support for creating L3 routed networks and IPV6 network support.
  •  April 28 - May 1 OpenInfrastructure Summit Denver Colorado USA
  • May 2 - 4 Train Release Project Team Gathering Denver Colorado USA
  • June 3 - 7 Train Milestone 1
  • June 13 - 14 RDO Test Days Train Milestone 1
Health and Activity
The Cloud SIG remains fairly healthy. However, it is still, for the most part, a monoculture containing only OpenStack.
Issues for the Board
We have no issues to bring to the board’s attention at this time.
As always, a big thank you to our SIGs, for the work that they do, and for the time taken to check back in with these status reports!


In April, as mentioned above, we ran a CentOS Dojo at ORNL - Oak Ridge National Labs. The presentation slides are starting to get added to  the event website. We expect to have the full video from the event within the next week or two.

I'm writing this newsletter from the  Open Infrastructure Summit (formerly known as OpenStack Summit), in Denver. We joined our friends from RDO and Ceph, as well as our colleagues from Red Hat, to discuss all aspects of open infrastructure, especially OpenStack.

A high point included the gathering of some of the largest open science clusters on the planet, running their OpenStack/RDO clouds on CentOS

And, coming up, we're planning to run a CentOS Dojo in Boston, on the day before DevConf.US. The call for presentations is open, and we want to hear from you! Talks about anything you're doing in, on, or around CentOS is fair game. Submit your talks HERE.

Contributing to CentOS Pulse

We are always on the look-out for people who are interested in helping to:

  • report on CentOS community activity
  • provide a report from the SIG on which you participate
  • maintain a (sub-)section of the newsletter
  • write an article on an interesting person or topic
  • provide the hint, tip or trick of the month

Please see the page with further information about contributing. You can also contact the Promotion SIG, or just email Rich directly (rbowen@centosproject.org) with ideas or articles that you'd like to see in the next newsletter.


3 thoughts on "CentOS Pulse Newsletter, May 2019 (#1905)"
  • Web host pro says:

    Great updates and pic! Happy birthday

  • Arvid Taylor says:

    Dear CentOS team,

    A hearty congratulations on your 15th birthday.

    Jolted me a bit as I realised Centos has been used here for 12 years now.

    In the early days my brother picked up from the roadside (dumped) a pentium 166? with no covers and 40mb (yes) of memory with a 10GB hd and said can you turn this into a server. I suppose so I said. So, that thing lasted him as his primary mail, file, firewall, vpn, backup manager et al for 10 years until it finally died. It owed nobody anything in it's very successful 24/7 behind a UPS rescued from the tip, second life. The BIOS had NO IDEA what a TB (Think it piked after 500gb from memory) disk was as it was upgraded, BUT, the OS did all the way to 4gb. Well it lasted about 10 years before it died. All for free.

    With 44 years under my belt in Tech, I am still learning, BUT, the tools you guys and upstream help provide are so flexible and robust there is little (as it should be) where I have been stopped. The continuity (generally) of commands means all the old scripts still work even though talking to TiVo's etc has disappeared (here). Love pushing tech into it's upper bounds and you all have to be congratulated because apart from hardware glitches, the OS, just keeps on keepin' on. Tell anyone who is interested this is the way to go and always have a bootable USB to show them to stop playing with WinBlows if they want control.

    Maybe in another 15 years I might be too old or too stupid to use the tech, but, I really must thank you for your wonderful work which has provided so much exploration, entertainment, learning and joy, just behind the bleeding edge.

    I hope things continue well for you all and CentOS continues well into the future.

    Cheers. Arvid.

  • Luis Kala says:

    I use CentOS since 2005. I have not abandone them. Sorry from my english. Happy 15th birthday from Cuba.

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