Wednesday, 27, February 2019 Rich Bowen Uncategorized 1 Comment

Happy birthday, CentOS!

15 years ago, the CentOS project started up in order to fill a gap left by a change in the way that Red Hat decided to market their product.

Many of the people that were involved in those early days are still involved today, although in different capacities than they were then. Over they years, their involvement has changed, due to their own changing job responsibilities, as well as the shifting technological landscape.

Over the next few months, as part of our celebration of our 15 year anniversary, I'm going to be talking with some of these people that were involved in the early days, as well as some that have joined later on, to talk about how and why people get involved in this project.

If you would like to tell your story, please get in touch with me at rbowen@centosproject.org and we'll schedule an interview.

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