Updated CentOS Vagrant Images Available
Friday, 8, July 2016 Laurențiu Păncescu Uncategorized 16 Comments

Official Vagrant images for CentOS Linux 6 and CentOS Linux 7 for x86_64 are now available for download, featuring updated packages to 1st July 2016 and some improvements:

  • the default timezone is set to UTC (instead of New York, USA)
  • NTP is enabled by default (using ntpd on CentOS Linux 6 and chrony on CentOS Linux 7)
  • yum-utils is installed by default on CentOS Linux 7, providing needs-restarting

Known Issues

  • The Vagrant sync folder is /home/vagrant/sync instead of /vagrant (which is the Vagrant default). This will be changed in the next release.
  • The root password is set to a random string, instead of "vagrant". Use sudo as the vagrant user to gain administrative privileges, no password is required.
  • The VirtualBox Guest Additions are not preinstalled, and there are currently no plans of adding them. They are only needed for shared folders; host-only networking and forwarded ports work, although Vagrant displays a warning to the contrary. If you use Ansible, take a look at https://github.com/lpancescu/cloud-instance-starter-kit for an example of automatic installation. The vagrant-vbguest plugin might also work (not tested).


Only x86_64 images are currently available, for Vagrant’s libvirt and VirtualBox providers.

First-time users can download the official images from Hashicorp’s Atlas. You can use vagrant box add centos/6 for CentOS Linux 6, or vagrant box add centos/7 for CentOS Linux 7.

Existing users can upgrade their boxes directly by Vagrant, e.g. vagrant box update --box centos/7, but the changes will only apply to newly created instances.


If you encounter any unexpected issues with the Vagrant images, feel free to ask on the centos-devel mailing list, or in #centos-devel on Freenode.

16 thoughts on "Updated CentOS Vagrant Images Available"

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