Testing your software project is important. Effectively communicating your test results to those that consume your project comes in a close second. Recently we enabled the Embeddable Build Status plugin in https://ci.centos.org which provides Pass/Fail images for the latest build of each job in CICO. These badges are perfect for inclusion in upstream webpages, and in Github README files.
To view a list of links and a short explanation of options related to a particular job, visit the 'Embeddable Build Status' link in the sidebar of each job page:
Embedding Badges in a Webpage
Since the badges are simply links to images, they can be pasted directly in <img>
tags on a blog or webpage. For the CentOS 7 t_functional nightly runs, a badge on a webpage with a link back to the project page would look something like this:
<a href="https://ci.centos.org/job/CentOS-Core-QA-t_functional-c7-64/"><img src="https://ci.centos.org/buildStatus/icon?job=CentOS-Core-QA-t_functional-c7-64" /></a>
Embedding Badges on Github
Including a badge in a Github README is as simple as using the Markdown link instead of the Plain link. For the same job above:
To see what this looks like in action, visit the README in the t_functional repository on Github: https://github.com/CentOS/sig-core-t_functional
To join the public CI effort and report the status of your jobs, say hello: ci [at] centos.org
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