CentOS-7 next release
Wednesday, 11, March 2015 kbsingh builds, General 7 Comments

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 was released a few days back, You can go read the release notes now. Its a great way to find out the big changes and enhancements in this release.

On the CentOS side of things, we have been working through last week on getting the sources organised and the builds started up. We are pretty close to finishing the first cycle of builds. The next step would be to get the content into QA repos so people can start poking it. From there on, content will make its way into the CR/ repos, and we will goto work on the distribution media ( ie. the ISOS, Cloud Images, containers, live media etc ). Once that is done, we have another couple of days for QA around those bits, followed by the wider release.

This release for CentOS-7 is going to be tagged 1503 to indicate month of upstream release.

In terms of a timeline, this is where things stand : We hope to start moving content into the CR repos by the 13th/14th of March. This should set us up for releasing the distro around the end of the following week 18th to 20th of March. Ofcourse, this is a projected date and might change depending on how much time and work the QA cycles take up and any challenges we hit in the distro media building stages.

Note that the CR repos contain packages that have not been through as much QA as the content at release time, so while they do give people a path to early-access to next-release rpms and content, they come with the added risk.

Some of the special interest groups in CentOS are keen to get started with the new content, and we are trying to find a way to make that work - but at this time there is no mechanism that bridges the two buildsystems ( the CentOS Distro one, and the Community Build System used by the SIGs ). So for the time being the SIGs will just need to wait a few more days before they can start their trials and builds. For the future, its something we will try and find a solution for, so in the next release SIGs can start doing their builds and testing as the distro packages are being built.

- KB

7 thoughts on "CentOS-7 next release"
  • Akbar Khan says:

    I am waiting for FreeIPA 4.1.2

  • Paolo says:

    Thanks for your effort. How can we monitor the state of the art for the 7.1 upcoming release?

  • Ozy de Jong says:

    Great news !
    The new httpd package 2.4.6-31 supports the SetHandler directive for php-fpm as sockets, eliminating the use of ProxyPassMatch.

    Also, virt-manager finally gets support for snapshots.

    I've tested those rpms via the CR repo, they work great !

    Many thanks CentOS team !

  • J Woolliscroft says:

    I find the apparent lack of information on the progress of the entire process of preparing a release from source code to testing to release, to be entirely frustrating. It would be useful to have a Web Page which breaks down and summarizes the Build progress into the various packages, and the stages of the process for each.
    Also it is not clear to me to what extent CentOS will be fixed when bugs are discovered. Is CentOS only fixed where bugs are CentOS specific? Are bugs detected as originating in RHEL ignored, or is the release of CentOS delayed until a RHEL fix is issued?

    I have to ask as I have recently found a bug in Anaconda which exists in 7.0 and may persist in 7.1 - The issue being the ability to install CentOS on top of pre-built Volume Groups and Logical Volumes. This has been registered on Bugzilla, but is unlikely to receive any attention in the short term - it is a showstopper for me!

    • Asher says:

      Anaconda installer is a very important project and is central to CentOS and RedHat. We should compare it to Ubiquity and see if there is anything we can learn from their installer. Is there a way to debug the Anaconda Installer problem by running the installer in test mode? Most likely Anaconda calls a command line script to partition the drives. It also looks like Anaconda used "dd". If you want I can work with you on debugging the Anaconda code for CentOS. Anaconda is written almost entirely in Python 2. The graphical front end uses GTK+ 3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda
      Can you post a link to the bug?

  • Gemrails says:

    I encountered some problems installing RHEL7.1. For example, I placed a total of three hard drives on the server during the partition, I choose the first hard disk, set the partition, click Finish, and then select a second hard drive, this time, there produced an unknown error. I think this part should be some exceptions.

  • Steven says:

    Hopefully the kscreen bug that prevents KDE desktop from starting in a VNC server has been fixed? It was incredibly difficult to find a workaround and rather unbelievable that the bug has persisted for so long.

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