Seeding for potential release

Monday, 7, July 2014 kbsingh General 10 Comments


At this point we have a set of images that we consider release grade, pending final testing, we will move to release these unless a major blocker is reported.

folks with bandwidth to spare are encouraged to help seed these images via torrents, here are the urls to hit:

- KB

10 thoughts on "Seeding for potential release"

  1. William Lightning says:

    Is the lack of default Installation Source still a known bug for these images?

  2. Johnny Hughes says:

    We do not publish Source on ISOs

  3. Sarfaraz says:

    I installed Mate from EPEL. Desktop isnt working there. it may be a bug or i might have missed something there. However i believe that a MATE remix would be nice. Dont call it an official release. Call it say community edition like fedora does.

    1. Johnny Hughes says:

      We will have a Desktop Special Interest Group (SIG) that can do things like that at some point.

      Also, after our official release, EPEL will likely soon come out of beta and update their EL7 support.

    2. joncr says:

      Mate from EPEL worked fine for me. It's a group install. "Mate Desktop", if I recall.

  4. Mark Fletcher says:

    Hi is there any documentation on the different images made available? For instance, Id like to know what is missing from the DVD install that might be in the Everything install.

    1. Johnny Hughes says:

      Nothing that can be installed via the GUI installer is missing from the DVD. The Everything DVD has other things you might need if you use a kickstart file to install other things after the installer completes. Yes, there is a readme:

      1. Mark Fletcher says:

        Thanks Johnny!

  5. Mr. W says:

    I am downloading the .torrent and have set a ratio of 100 for upload. My Gigabit connection is at your disposal.

    Would you recommend downloading ALL torrents for reseeding?

    1. Johnny Hughes says:

      It would seem that the CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-Everything.iso and the CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-DVD.iso need the most seeders.

      Stats here:

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