Release Announcement for CentOS-7/x86_64
Monday, 7, July 2014 kbsingh announcement, General 82 Comments

After three weeks in testing, we are very happy to announce the release for CentOS-7/x86_64 Please read the announcement here : And the Release Notes at : But this isnt the end of the seven process, it's where the fun begins - KB

82 thoughts on "Release Announcement for CentOS-7/x86_64"
  • Jens D says:

    Good news, nice work! This will be used extensively 🙂

  • szlevi says:

    When are you going to change to point to the correct folder? I'd rather avoid keep massaging my yum and just wait for you to correct it, provided it will happen in a day or two...

    • Johnny Hughes says:

      With the real release now out ... the buildlog installs will go away.

      You should now point to:

      • szlevi says:

        Ah, OK, makes sense, thanks.

      • Jim Wyatt says:

        I don't know who you are, but I should. Obviously you had a very big public and I'm sure a bigger non-public effort here, so let me say thank you! I'm guessing it was a short straw situation to deal with all of us, but how I wish I had product managers like you 🙂

      • Morvan says:

        Hi. Can you say me whose is difference between CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-DVD.iso and CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-Everything.iso, or what is needed to download after? Is this for a complete server (Everything)?
        Thanks. Morvan.

  • Johnny Hughes says:

    Or to a local mirror that is close to you from:

  • szlevi says:

    WRT Docker: will you have an updated final C7 image...?

    • szlevi says:

      PS: I know we could just upgrade the image itself inside but that's a load of extra work for everybody, not to mention the extra bandwidth etc for the mirrors already overloaded due to the new release...

  • Vyacheslav Karpukhin says:

    This wiki page needs an update:

  • Carlos says:

    Why this "1406" tag on release?

    • Johnny Hughes says:

      It means .. 2014 Jun (1406) ...

      It is there because SIGs can do variant respins on different dates, is one thing we want in the release string.

  • Ts says:

    Thank you very much! I already install it and it is great.

  • Ts says:


  • Mark Fletcher says:

    Congratulations to all involved on getting this out the door. Great work!

  • Ricardo says:

    Congrats on the release guys, and thanks for all the work you put in this project, it's very much appreciated.

    Downloading the normal DVD via torrent, will keep seeding a few days.

  • getSurreal says:

    You guys did one heck of a job with the release of 7! What a day and night difference as compared to the release of 6.

  • Christopher says:

    Does it have an all new flat design?

  • Josh says:

    So for those of us who used the Beta and RC test packages to transmogrify a RHEL 7 Beta to CentOS 7 Beta... is it recommended that we re-install using the ISO's?

    • Jim Wyatt says:

      Signed packages would be nice I would think, but not saying you can't get there from where you are at. I like clean systems, and damn my system is clean. Like the CentOS community just washed over my system with love and mighty fine bits.

    • Johnny Hughes says:

      We do Recommend reinstall, yes. However, one could certainly point to all the new repos (Base, Updates, Extras) and instead do a:

      yum --exclude=kernel\* distro-sync full

      Note: kernel\* excluded because yum is not happy to reinstall a running kernel, you will need to take care of that manually later.

      Before you start the distro-sync, you would likely need to delete the files:
      # rm -rf /usr/share/doc/redhat-release
      # rm -rf /usr/share/doc/centos-release

      And, this is in no way recommended or supported, just possible. If you installed many other things outside CentOS-7 RC, this would be harder.

  • Nick says:

    Congratulations guys and thank you very much for your hard work. CentOS 7.0 works just fine.

  • Rajiv Sharma says:

    congratulations CentOS Team. Great Work

  • Teguh Aditya says:

    yes, stable release

  • Jim Wyatt says:

    Wow! is all I can say. I am a long time Linux desktop user and I thought it would a much longer time before I had a free enterprise grade desktop. You have all outdone yourselves and should take a bow. Good job and nice work! Where is the foundation PayPal so I can contribute the only way I know how? 🙂

  • Jim Wyatt says:

    One more and I'll quit spamming. Not sure everyone recognizes what just happened here. The community just produced an OS (with the cooperation of the fine folks at RedHat) that is the finest free (as in beer and freedom) or non-free OS that has ever been produced. Let's not forget the foundations of the effort and I think it is safe to call the war won. Too much hyperbole? I don't think so...damn I am a happy cat typing this on free bits!

  • Frank Loizzi says:

    Hm, network installation isn't working right now. The installation hangs at starting the packet installation process. Too much users?

  • Guiom says:

    Tanks, good news !!!
    A release for 32bits will be available ?

  • Vinícius Ferrão says:

    Anyway was able to PXE install CentOS 7? I can't even get to Anaconda.

    • Tom Jefferson says:

      I've tried to install it from my working (working for centos 6 installations...) centos 6 kickstart server, pxe boot works, choosing centos 7 install in boot menu, starting to load vmlinuz then it panics..

      • Anthony Somerset says:

        PXE works for us via foreman - the only thing special we had to do is make sure the minor version was specified as 0.1406 rather than just 0 as we did previously

        everything else worked correctly

        there might be good reason to make sure 7.0 or 7.x gets symlinked to the latest 7.0.x or 7.x.x folder as well now for "backwards compatibility" for stuff like PXE etc

  • Rainer B says:

    thank you very much 🙂

  • André says:

    Will there be a minimal ISO anytime soon?

    • Johnny Hughes says:

      Likely yes ... the major issue here is that the system installer takes up 1/2 of a CD image, and that does not leave much space for anything else. We want a CD image for install and we are trying to make one.

      If, on the other hand, the minimal install image has to fit on a DVD; and if it is fairly close in size to the current DVD iso, then it would likely not be needed as minimal is an option from the DVD.

      So, we are looking at it and should have a decision fairly soon.

  • Jeong Chul says:

    Thank you for your great effort to release new version. Many users have waited this for a long time including me.

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  • Andy says:

    Congrats to the team!
    Looking forward to see CentOS 7 running on my servers!

  • 郭兴春 says:

    Nice work! quicker than I expected.
    Thank you very much.

  • Daniel says:

    Seriously. I waited a very long time for RHEL7 and eventually CentOS7. My wife wouldn't kiss me because my breath was baited. 🙂

    I downloaded and burned the "Everything" DVD and installed it to a machine. Not long after, I discovered the EPEL repo and set that up. Though MATE Desktop is a category in "Software" it doesn't contain anything. So I needed to select the packages individually. It basically worked and I now have MATE running.

    But how about Compiz? I want my wobbly windows back. 🙂

  • Arne says:

    Any plans to release a minimal ISO as was available in CentOS6? I found that extremely useful to be certain that I was only installing the necessary packages for the server's purpose, and nothing else.

    • Arne says:

      Sorry, I didn't see that a Minimal install was the default choice in Anaconda. Not quite as handy as the small Minimal ISO of CentOS6, but it will do.

      • Lev says:

        It seems though as if it is not really the same, since this "minimal" install includes a lot more stuff than the one from CentOS6.x :-/

  • Keithpeter says:

    Nice to see this released so quickly, and produced from source code that is provided in a different format from previous releases. I've learned a lot from the *extremely* public discussions on centos-devel, buildlogs, and here as this project has unfolded.

    My pre-release install is chugging along so I'll let the servers cool down for a few days before re-installing.

  • mike says:

    i need help downloading centos image. every time i click on a link it does nothing. where do i go to download cectos iso image for my vmware?

  • shihhuangti says:

    can I update centos6.5 x64 to the version 7 now?

  • AHAH says:

    on dvd.iso some packages name are cutting off up to 64 characters

    is this normal?

  • adri says:

    wine not installing

    • André says:

      Try wine from the EPEL repositories.

    • Wolfram says:

      I think, we must be patient. It is my impression, the wine*.rpms are not completely locatet at epel. I there will come more.
      It is the same with xfce. You have the group XFCE, but packages, which belong the group are far away to be completely located.

      So simply be patient.:)


  • Abr4cks says:

    Congratulations to all involved in the project for their hard and dedicated work. I believe that the release of version 7 is a great event for the CentOS community, and 2014 surely will be a great year in the history of CentOS.

  • Andre Gompel says:

    now many Dell, HP notebooks use the Broadcom BCM43228 chipset for the WiFi. It is not always "a cake walk", to get this working all the time (after kernel updates).

    It would great if the kernel-plus build had module support for this chipset.


  • Avraam J. Dectis says:

    Is an ISO required for the upgrade?

    Will yum work?

    Is the heat death of the universe inevitable?

    • Zaptastic says:

      What is the origin of the Big Bang?

      This isn't really an upgrade, it's a reinstallation. There is nothing like "FedUp" for CentOS or other Enterprise Linux.

      An ISO is the usual way but PXE purportedly works too.

  • sathish says:

    When i tried to install centos 7, my nvidia ethernet port not detected during installation whereas all of other distros working perfectly without any problem... Pl help..

    my rig is AMD Athlon x2 64 processor and Nvidia chipset..

    output of lspci -nn | grep -i net

    00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: NVIDIA Corporation MCP77 Ethernet [10de:0760] (rev a2)

  • Mithun Mandal says:

    How can i install grub2 in boot partition?

  • Max Muster says:

    Any idea when CentOS 7 will be available as AMI on EC2?

  • Milton Dominguez says:

    No funciona Virtualbox en Centos 7

  • Dima says:

    Using the netinstall cd on a physical machine: dell optiplex-790.
    1. The gui is cute except it errored out a few times at various stages until I started using 'basic graphics' mode.
    2. Annoyances (in no particular order):
    - network config lost the cidr notation,
    - 'Done' button in the upper left corner ('principle of least surprise' anyone?),
    - ntpd config won't take for no apparent reason -- until you turn on the network and realise why.
    3. Took 30 minutes to get past disk partitioning. In the end I had to wipe out the first few sectors before I could use installer's partitioning tool. When dealing with pre-existing partitions, it errors out and crashes all the time.
    4. Every time the installer errored out, it would hang on 'restarting system'. For some reason adding 'reboot=pci' at boot didn't help (works on 6.current w/ elrepo 3.10 kernel).
    6. After getting minimal install to work I wanted xfce. I got as far as gnome forcing me to make a local user -- on an office workstartion with nfs-mounted /home and openldap user accounts (wtf is 'create enterprise user' anyway?).
    7. My 2 monitors weren't detected, either. In centos 6 they worked out of the box, in 7 I got 1 display detected, picture mirrored to both screens.

    At that point, about 3 hours after I burned the netinstall cd, I put the centos 6 hard drive back in.

    I'm not sure what kind of 'enterprise' customers redhat is targetting, but I'm all out of red t-shirts at this point.

    So congrats, great work, call me when 7.1's out.

  • Karla says:

    I haven't seen any official Centos 7 AMI's available? When might official Centos 7 AMI's become available?

  • robert says:

    I'm trying to install CentOS 7 on a HP Proliant ML10 server but does not recognize the RAID 1 + 0, I can not find the driver. Can you help? Probe with drivers for red hat enterprise 6, but does not work

  • I am trting to install centos7 in sony lap in windows 8 was installed perpectly and also woring

  • Rahman says:

    Hi all
    I am trying to install xmgrace, pymol and other scientific software through yum and software package installer but message showing package is not available. I tries with rpm package manually also but again eroor showing "fail to install file, An unspecific transaction error has occurred. More information is available in the detailed report.

    Could anyone help me to overcome this problem.

  • Akemi Yagi says:

    For the installation of pymol, see this forum thread. If you need further assistance, please start a new topic in the forums.

  • nicolas says:


    Any release date for ARM version of Centos 7 ?

  • santhosh says:

    but in centos 7 there is no 32-bit iso if i want use for desktop 32 bit it is very comfortable

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