Congratulations to Red Hat for RHEL7
Tuesday, 10, June 2014 Jim Perrin General 27 Comments

RHEL 7 is officially out and available for RHEL subscribers. You can get more information about the release from or via the press release at  Congrats to the RH team for all their hard work in making this happen.


As for CentOS 7, it's currently working its way through our build process. As we have updates you'll be able to follow them here at We'll post updates as regularly as we can to help keep everyone current on the progress.

27 thoughts on "Congratulations to Red Hat for RHEL7"
  • Matthew Wilkinson says:

    Hi Jim - Are you guys planning on releasing a CentOS-7 Beta/RC or are you just building and testing continually until you've got a final release ready based on the final RHEL 7 bits?

    • Jim Perrin says:

      Initially we thought we'd have a bit more time to do an RC following the branding hunt. Now we're just building for production.

      • Anonymous says:

        Is Red Hat not helping alievate the issue of hunting down branding to remove now that they employ some of the CentOS guys to work on CentOS?

        • Johnny Hughes says:

          Well, they (Red Hat) hired 4 of us to work on CentOS full time .. which we are. So, yes Red Hat is helping the process in that way. However, the guys they hired were already working in the CentOS Project. So, now we have more time to spend on CentOS than we did before ... BUT ... they did not add an extra 24 hours into the day, so we are still limited to the original 24 hours with our 4 full time people 🙂

  • hadrons123 says:

    Are we getting an RC or release directly?

  • I can not WAIT to use CentOS 7! 😀

  • Nathan says:

    Any idea how often this site will be updated?

  • Adam Stephens says:

    Out of curiosity, how long does it take to build the entire tree?

    • Johnny Hughes says:

      We'll let you know when we get the entire tree built 🙂

      The RC1 x86_64 tree (including the mutlilib i686 part) takes 2 days to build .. but there are issues (like the pacemaker fails and has to be built with an older version of publican, etc.)

      We are obviously working on the 7 GA tree now, when we have something we'll post it here and on the mailing lists.

      • Adam Stephens says:

        Thanks, I was really just curious about the build duration.

        Take all the time you need to get everything ironed out. 🙂

  • nir says:

    can you estimate how long the tests will continue until the final release?

  • Johnny Hughes says:

    Our "Goal" is 2-4 weeks.

    • Beef Supreme says:

      One would think now that you're getting paid we could get a straight answer on releases.

      • Niki Kovacs says:

        When you're given a free Ferrari, you don't complain about a week's shipment delay. Tsk tsk.

        • Hear, hear! If it comes to spending more time calculating and planning the project timeline to accurately predict the release date, or just getting down to removing code and releasing, I'm all for the latter.
          Of course, if you don't like it I'm sure you are welcome to a full refund for your purchase...

      • Bucky says:

        No need to be cross.

        I, too, am so excited I am hyperventilating hourly.

        But estimates to completion are always going to be "best guess" estimations. The devil is always in the details.

        I don't LIKE waiting, but it's not like it's anybody's fault that I have to.

    • André says:

      Do you publish in this version, hardware compability with supermicro
      AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 card (chipset Marvell 88SE9485 HVBA SAS) ?

    • ly says:

      That's indeed quite a short schedule. Even if sources are given by RH, such a build process is a real nightmare some people seems to really underestimate.

      And during that time, EPEL should also be out of beta and for RH-Like distros (official package set is better tested but offer much less choice when you come from Debian world, especially, not having all dpkg stuff when you build Debians for embedded is really missing) this is not an option!

      I'll know what to do if I have a few days with bad weather in july... Upgrade a few machines (those 64 bits arch) of mines and relatives!

  • Beef Supreme says:

    Nice, I see pre-moderation is in effect here - Open, community - more like censored and corporate. Sad.

    • Adam Stephens says:

      Or it could just be a spam mitigation measure, or something else completely reasonable.


    • Marco Shaw says:

      I welcome some level of moderation. Comment sections have too great a tendency to go downhill. It's hard to pick a good comment/response out of 10s of comments before I just give up.

  • Vaidya Bala says:

    Excited for centos 7 and counting the days/hours :). Thanks for all the hard work.

    How much of backward compatibility will be maintained in centos 7 when it comes to graphic cards, sound cards. Will Nouveau support old cards like 6000/7000 series as Nvidia's proprietary drivers dropped support for these cards.

  • franklin says:

    The C7 supports x86_32 ?

  • Eric says:

    I'm planning to transition a bunch of servers to Centos 7 over the summer. Is it reasonable to get my services working in Fedora 19/20 now, then copy all those configs over to C7 when I can install it in a few weeks?

    Alternatively I could just stick with 6.5, but I'd really like to build on Systemd, Samba 4, etc.

  • Excited for centos 7 and counting the days/hours :). Thanks for all the hard work.

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