CentOS 7 (pre-release) tree available for testing
Saturday, 14, June 2014 Fabian Arrotin builds, Installation 37 Comments

Following our previous post, we are pleased to announced that the first (pre-release) CentOS 7rc tree is pushed.

As a reminder, you can find it at the following location : http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64-20140614

If you want to use it, you need to use the boot.iso media (found under the images directory) , start a netinstall and point to the mentioned repository (or use the pxe vmlinuz/initrd.img files)

We plan on also having a symbolic link called "latest", as we'll probably have a new tree on a daily basis (until we're happy and will have a final release)

Some points to keep in mind :

  • Those packages aren't signed (as announced, and that will be fixed the final centos-release package)
  • There is no included yum config (but you can configure that and point to the above repository , and that will be fixed the final centos-release package )
  • EFI should work, but not Secureboot

Happy testing and don't forget to give us feedback ! (on the centos-devel list, or #centos-devel irc channel, and bugs found reported on http://bugs.centos.org)

37 thoughts on "CentOS 7 (pre-release) tree available for testing"

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