State of the build 20131224
Tuesday, 24, December 2013 kbsingh builds 2 Comments

RHEL7b1 is composed of 2520 srpms; Of these, some are arch specific to arch's we are not building (yet).

The x86_64 distro is made up of 8,520 binary rpms. Of these, 2,863 are noarch rpms and 1,919 are 32bit multilib. Leaving us with 3,738 x86_64 rpms that need to be built. Lets assume that building a clear x86_64 distro is our first goal here ( its not, but things are simpler with that assumption ).

As round-1 of the build cycle, we built all 2520 srpms against f19/32bit and then all of them again against f19/64bit; I use this result set as a backstore, to borrow from when we need to either break a dependency loop, or satisfy an interim build requirement locally. These packages are not otherwise a part of the regular buildroots used for round-2.

Round-2 is then a mass build attempt against r7b1/32bit and r7b1/64bit. Of these, nothing built against r7b1/32bit since large chunks of packages needed, even for the baseline buildroot are not published upstream. And needing to borrow from the f19/32bit backstore meant almost using a f19 buildroot, which isnt ideal. So lets put that aside for the time being.

The second part of round-2 was the x86_64 build attempt against r7b1/64bit. The results are a bit more promising there :  85% of the packages build. But only about 75% of those that build, look like the ones shipped by Red Hat as the 7b1 repos. I'm using percentages here, since using exact numbers for built-matched takes away from the aim of getting to complete.  Now adding in the noarch builds, we get to : 5636 of 8520 built. Taking away the 1919 that are i686 rpms, we get a deficit of 965 that failed completely. These 965 represent 122 source rpms.

And this 122 set is going to be our next target. Alongside, I am going to start working on the blacklist/whitelists so we can start making the build roots public. Look for more info on that in the coming days, along with how everyone can contribute towards the 7 build effort.

- KB

2 thoughts on "State of the build 20131224"
  • maci says:

    I used my own scripts to rebuild el7. building el7 srpms in an el7 buildroot

    needs several rounds to finish

    it downloads the iso official el7 iso files, extracts them and builds using the el7 toolchain.

    gradually the build env uses rebuilt packages only

  • Digimer says:

    I'm very happy to see you guys being so public about the c7 build efforts. The gnashing of teeth around the c6 build will probably not be repeated if people know how things are progressing and what challenges inevitably cause delays.

    I know these blog posts must feel like a distraction from your work, but as a normal user, I really appreciate them. 🙂

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