CentOS IRC Meeting Calendar Now Available
Friday, 12, June 2015 Brian (bex) Exelbierd announcement No Comments

As of now, you can subscribe to a calendar feed (.ical) in your calendar program of choice by adding this feed url:


New meetings are added via pull-requests against this repository: https://github.com/CentOS/Calendar

Why is this now available?

The number of SIGs and general project work has grown and more and more IRC meetings are
being scheduled. When KB announced he would begin holding office hours a discussion about how to best notify people and keep it on their minds sprang up on the centos-devel mailing list.

How is it implemented?

Louis Taylor mentioned that OpenStack had a yaml file driven calendar that didn't require a central authentication mechansism. After a quick round of acceptances, I implemented the OpenStack model and the calendar was born.

Our next step is to host a web page that will serve as a landing zone for this information and list all of the scheduled meetings.

For those of you interested in the details, the calendar uses yaml2ical, a python module to convert the meeting yaml files into both an ical feed and an html listing. The current workflow is:

  1. A Pull Request on https://github.com/CentOS/Calendar adds a new meeting yaml file
  2. A project member merges the pull and manually generates the new html and ical files
  3. The files are mirrored to git.centos.org

To Do:

  1. 1. Land the html file somewhere in our web infrastructure (to be tackled next week)
  2. Work with the yaml2ical community to land some patches for meeting duration and urls (in progress - see Issues on github)

Currently the meetings are listed in html with their frequency information. If someone knows of a simple ical->html or ical->text_list processor we can consider hosting a "calendar" view of the calendar.

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