PHP 7.2 for CentOS 7 armhfp

Monday, 15, January 2018 pgreco altarch, arm 5 Comments

What happens when you need something that is not readily available, but you can help get it done?
In my case, start harrassing people until you get all the info you need. Enter @arrfab and @remicollet.
Fabian got the builder ready, and contacted Remi who got me to use his SRPMS, all I had to do was push the packages to the builders and wait, and wait, and wait some more....

The current status is that we have php-7.2.1 working, as you can see in the screenshot, with only basic tests done for the moment, but all successful.
Most of the packages are built, some are being a little stubborn, but we'll get it done. But here is where you come in, we need testing (heavy testing), real user case scenarios.
If you want to see a Spectre of what things are going to be, and you are not afraid your computer may have a complete Meltdown, you can keep reading.

Currently we are focused on building only the opt-in php replacement, and all the other platform dependant packages from Remi's repo (noarch rpms are not currently the main target, so you should get it from Remi's repo).
If you don't already have a "test subject", please follow the steps on first, including  EPEL, which is done with the following command:

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo << EOF
name=Epel rebuild for armhfp

Then all that is left is adding the test repo like this:

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/php72-testing.repo << EOF
name=Remi php72 rebuild for armhfp

As I said before,  we aren't rebuilding noarch packages, so if you need one of those, just add remi's repo like this:

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo << EOF
name=Remi's RPM repository for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch

Come find us on the CentOS on ARM-Dev list at

Thanks for testing!!!

5 thoughts on "PHP 7.2 for CentOS 7 armhfp"

  1. Ranieri says:

    Not working for me, still install a 5.4 version ...

  2. hirofumi says:

    I could upgrade PHP and wordpress
    Thank you Pablo

  3. Leo Paxtian says:

    Well done... Thanks a lot for help.

  4. Derek says:

    Thank you much! Works Great.

  5. What about 7.4, guys?

    Keep up the good work!

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