CentOS Board Meeting Recap, February 2024
The recording of the February CentOS Board meeting is now available.
The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting:
- We gave an update on the docs day we held after FOSDEM, including progress on applying for an Outreachy intern for docs.
- There is a proposal in Fedora to have a public process for setting the priority of the infrastructure team. Since we share some infrastructure, we discussed how this might affect CentOS.
- The Kmods SIG now has the access they need to build kernel mods for RHEL. (Issue 124)
- We discussed clarifying the process for determining if board members are still active. (Issue 125)
- After much discussion, including at CentOS Connect, the proposal for a SIG Council is nearing completion. (Issue 126)
- The videos from CentOS Connect are now available.
- We will hold our first CentOS Classroom at SCaLE on Thursday, March 14. There are also a number of CentOS-related talks at SCaLE.
- Red Hat Summit is May 6-9 in Denever, CO. We will have tracks in Community Day on May 6, and will share a booth with Fedora in Community Central on the expo floor hall.
- The board is planning to hold a face-to-face meeting at Flock, the Fedora contributor conference.
- We discussed the process for electing a new board member.
- We discussed the ongoing process for offboarding some inactive SIGs.
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