CentOS Community Newsletter, March 2022
Tuesday, 15, March 2022 shaunm Newsletter 1 Comment

March 2022 Newsletter

Project News

GitLab for CentOS SIGs

Pierre-Yves Chibon posted a proposal to centos-devel about making GitLab available to CentOS SIGs. People involved with Special Interest Groups are encouraged to read the proposal and respond with questions or details of whether this proposal would help their SIG.

Automovite Stream Distribution

The Automotive SIG has announced the Automotive Stream Distribution, a binary distribution developed within the SIG that serves as a public, in-development preview of the upcoming Red Hat in-vehicle OS. Read more in their blog post.

SIG Reports

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are the most interesting part of the CentOS project - this is where people build value on top of the CentOS platform. SIGs report quarterly on what they’ve been up to. Here are this month’s reports.

Artwork SIG


The CentOS Artwork SIG exists to produce the CentOS Project visual identity.

Membership Update

There is not membership changes. We are always looking for new members.



Healthy and Activity

Health: We are here; doing what we can, when we can.

Recent activities:

Issues for the Board


OpsTools SIG

The OpsTools SIG provides tools for operators, system administrators, devops and developers doing infrastructure engineering on content based on CentOS Linux.


The purpose of the CentOS OpsTools SIG is to provide tools and documentation, recommendation and best practices for operators of large infrastructure.

Membership update

Sadly, we did not attract new volunteers to contribute to the SIGs purposes, but at the same time, we didn’t lose any.


As follow-up of deprecating and removing CentOS 8, we’ve updated our CI, rebuilt collected and related packages for both CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Strem 9. We also updated and provided centos-release-opstools packages for both CentOS Stream releases.

Issues for the board

Nothing to report.

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