CentOS Promo SIG quarterly report, November 2021
Monday, 1, November 2021 Rich Bowen SIG No Comments

During the past quarter (August, September, October) the Promo SIG has been involved in the following activities:


In the most recent quarter, I (Rich Bowen) have been trying harder to engage more of the community in the promotion of the project, rather than doing it all myself. This has been met with mixed success, but I’m optimistic. I think that lack of participation is largely my fault, in that I need to be more proactive in making people aware of contribution opportunities, rather than just going off and doing things on my own.


We have produced a newsletter each month in this quarter:

August: https://blog.centos.org/2021/08/centos-community-newsletter-august-2021/
September: https://blog.centos.org/2021/09/newsletter-2021-09/
October: https://blog.centos.org/2021/10/centos-community-newsletter-october-2021/

Last quarter we started a monthly news summary video, and this continued this quarter:

August: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg8YbFAxk_Y&list=PLuRtbOXpVDjC4_tKJBAWuxDky8O-vs4ub&index=3
September: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34NRc8JOIek&list=PLuRtbOXpVDjC4_tKJBAWuxDky8O-vs4ub&index=2
October: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD8ikDwS6yo&list=PLuRtbOXpVDjC4_tKJBAWuxDky8O-vs4ub&index=1&t=10s


On October 7th and 8th we ran another online CentOS Dojo. The previous one was in May, and we’re trying to do these quarterly until such time as we can get back to in-person dojos. However, there has been almost unanimous feedback that we should attempt to continue these even after that time.

We had 10 presentations, including the opening AMA (Ask Me Anything) with the Board of Directors.

All of the videos, and most of the slides, are now available on the event wiki page.

We had 126 registrations, with 77% turnout.

For the first time since I have been on the job, we had more non-Red Hat than Red Hat speakers, which has been a long-time goal.

Stream 9 launch messaging

A new effort has been started to produce launch/announce messaging around CentOS Stream 9. While Stream 9 has been available for some time, there’s a lack of awareness because we really haven’t been talking about it a lot.

This is, therefore, an intentional effort to get the word out that CentOS Stream 9 is available, and open for contributions.

More information may be found at the following locations:

Social Media

We continue to maintain a presence on several social media platforms, including primarily Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.


Our Twitter following continues to grow, and the tone of conversation on Twitter about @CentOS continues to become more and more positive all the time. We are seeing fewer angry/hateful tweets and responses, and more positive remarks about CentOS Stream over time.

You can also see prety clearly in the below statistics that our engagement is directly linked to how often we put out new content. While this is not a surprise, it’s something we need to continually be reminded of.

Followers: 17,844


Tweets: 25
Impressions: 84.5k
Mentions: 412
New followers: 426


Tweets: 13
Impressions: 29.2k
Mentions: 215
New followers: 315


Tweets: 14
Impressions: 25k
Mentions: 214
New followers: 125


Reddit continues to be a popular place for CentOS discussion, even though the current r/CentOS moderator has changed the name and description of the subreddit to be actively hostile to the community.


Facebook traffic has been slowing down month over month, but we still get several questions and answers each day.

In October I finally stopped watching the other CentOS Facebook group, which has now become almost entirely spam.

Issues for the board to address, if any

We have no issues for the Board at this time.

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