CPE Weekly: 2020-05-02
Monday, 4, May 2020 Rich Bowen Infra No Comments


The Community Platform Engineering group is the Red Hat team combining IT and release engineering from Fedora and CentOS. Check out our teams info here https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/

GitForge Updates

* We are tracking our progress here (nothing new added yet, fyi) https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Git_forge_update

* We are still doing a technical deep-dive with our own team on what we need from GitLab and will have a technical plan developed and publically available in the coming weeks - thanks again for your patience, this will take some time to map out.

* Fedora have also released a blog post https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-council-and-the-git-forge/and

* And the council are tracking the community issues in this ticket https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/292

* We are looking at ways to engage closer with the community too so I will have an *optional* office hours slot on #fedora-meeting @ 1400-1500 UTC every Thursday. Feel free to stop by and say hi! We can talk about Gitforge, or not


* F32 released! Congrats to all those who helped make this such an awesome release

* Lenovo are releasing Fedora as a standard desktop offering!

* CentOS 7.8.2003 was released for x86_64, aarch64,ppc64, ppc64le and armhfp architectures, including Cloud images (on https://cloud.centos.org)!

Data Centre Move

* Communishift is still out, est back online 11th May.

* Full amended schedule will be published week ending 8th May to hackmd & will be sent to the devel & infra lists.

* Connectivity is now in place in IAD2 and should be in place in RDU-CC over the weekend.

* In particular, a HUGE shout out to Stephen Smoogen who has been working all the hours in every day for the last few weeks/months to get this phase of the move operatoinal for the Fedora infrastructure - we would not be able to do this without you Smooge

* This is literally a two man team of Kevin Fenzi and Stephen Smoogen, who are carrying the weight of this infrastructure on their shoulders and are invaluable to the success of this multi-team and multi-month project, so thank you both.

* Given the pressures on the Infra folks, a general ask for patience if your ticket / request / ping takes a little bit longer to reply to

AAA Replacement

* The team will work with openSUSE to deploy FreeIPA + Noggin to deploy it in their infra before we do!

* This is really exciting and the team are looking forward to seeing how the solution works in another infrastructure!

* You can view the teams current, completed and backlog work here https://github.com/orgs/fedora-infra/projects/6

Sustaining Team

* The team are using this dashboard to track their work https://github.com/fedora-infra/mbbox/projects/1

* Mbbox Upgrade

* Zuul CI set up is done

* Koji-hub TLS support added to CR

* Set up ReadTheDocs documentation - webhook missing for automatic build

* Identity container for testing

* Koji-builder CRD PR rebase - SSL authentication with koji-hub

* Refactor molecule test suite to share tests

CentOS Updates


* OpenShift upgrade

* OpenStack to OpenNebula migration scripts

* Ansible playbooks to manage the creation and bootstrapping of bare metal nodes with RHCOS

* Packaging work (fixing dependencies)

* Updated ci-user list on efforts we are putting for CI Infrastructure


* CentOS 7.8.2003 was released for x86_64, aarch64,ppc64, ppc64le and armhfp architectures. Including Cloud images (on https://cloud.centos.org) - https://blog.centos.org/2020/04/release-centos-linux-7-2003/

CentOS Stream

* Congratulations to Brian Stinson on his excellent session of Ask The Expert, facilitated by Rich Bowen during Red Hat Summit - we hope you caught it, it was really good!

* Using CentOS Stream in the CentOS QA group to prep for 8.2 As always, feedback is welcome, and we will continue to look at ways to improve the delivery and readability of this weekly report.

Have a great week ahead!


Source: https://hackmd.io/8iV7PilARSG68Tqv8CzKOQ

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