Speeding-up Yum for CentOS EC2 instances

Wednesday, 5, February 2020 Fabian Arrotin distro 3 Comments

Tomorrow, I intend to push a change to mirrorlist.centos.org nodes that will have a (good) impact to CentOS EC2 instances running from AWS network.

Thanks to AWS, sponsoring the required backend infra for this to happen, our mirrorlist nodes will redirect yum/dnf operations internally in the EC2/AWS network.

What does that mean for you ?

How does it work ?

We already tested with several volunteers in our staging environment that it was working fine, and so far so good.

We have no real estimate about the number of CentOS EC2 instances in all regions, so we plan on doing a canary-style deployment, so Ansible switching our mirrorlist code/role one-by-one and observe the cloudfront statistics.

Should you encounter any issue, feel free to reply to this thread and/or #centos-devel on irc.freenode.net

3 thoughts on "Speeding-up Yum for CentOS EC2 instances"

  1. Eduard says:


    I'm currently having issue with installing python on centos:8

    `yum -y install python2` fails with

    python2-2.7.16-12.module_el8.1.0+219+cf9e6ac9.x86_64.rpm: Status code: 404 for http://d36uatko69830t.cloudfront.net/centos/8/AppStream/x86_64/os/Packages/python2-2.7.16-12.module_el8.1.0+219+cf9e6ac9.x86_64.rpm
    Cannot download Packages/python2-2.7.16-12.module_el8.1.0+219+cf9e6ac9.x86_64.rpm: All mirrors were tried

    Same operation outside of AWS network works fine


  2. licensecrack says:


    I am currently having problems installing python in centos: 8

    `yum -y install python2` fails with site https://licensecrack.com/

  3. Timon Wong says:

    Can you please disable this feature in AWS China. Now fastest plugin became the slowest so we have to manually edit the repo source, thanks in advance!

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