The CentOS Promotion SIG exists to provide promotion, and consistent messaging, of CentOS, both at physical events and online.
The Promo SIG continues to struggle to find interested individuals to contribute to the effort. We are very interested in finding people to help with events, our presence on social media, and writing content for our monthly newsletter.
In the coming quarter we will be attempting to more clearly document what volunteer roles are available, in order to more effectively attract people to those roles.
The SIG wiki page - https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Promo - accurately reflects SIG membership.
In the past quarter (November - February) we participated in just one event - SC19 (SuperComputing) in Denver: https://sc19.supercomputing.org/ A number of blog posts about it appeared on https://blogs.centos.org/
Our most active social media presence is Twitter. In this quarter:
November: 239.2k impressions
December: 240.8k impressions
January: 367k impressions
Our engagement on other social media platforms - Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn - tends to be much less, and typically around events and the monthly newsletter.
In the January and early Febrary, we participated in DevConf.cz, FOSDEM and FOSSAsia. A report from the FOSDEM CentOS Dojo is on the blog.
We are in the planning stages for Dojos, as listed on https://wiki.centos.org/Events Details will be posted there as they are available.
We are, as always, looking for organizations who are interested in hosting Dojos around the world.
Issues for the Board
We have no issues to bring to the board's attention at this time.
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