Dear CentOS enthusiast,
Yes, I'm running a little behind schedule with this month's newsletter. That's because I just got back from the Open Source Summit in Shanghai, where I met a number of CentOS enthusiasts. More about that a little later.
CentOS 8 Update
We continue to get daily questions on IRC and our various other forums about when CentOS 8 is coming. Work is moving along with CentOS 8, and we still anticipate a release in the next month or two.
You can read the June 17th status report in the CentOS blog. And you can track the daily live updates on the Build Status wiki page where there are more blue and green status indicators every day!
Releases and updates
June saw a normal volume of updates and enhancements.
Errata and Enhancements Advisories
We issued the following CEEA (CentOS Errata and Enhancements Advisories) during June:
- Tue Jun 11 2019: CEEA-2019:1390 CentOS 7 microcode_ctl Enhancement -
- Tue Jun 11 2019: CEEA-2019:1414 CentOS 6 microcode_ctl Enhancement -
- Mon Jun 24 2019: CEEA-2019:1344 CentOS 7 python-azure-sdk Enhancement -
- Mon Jun 24 2019: CEEA-2019:1342 CentOS 7 python-msrest Enhancement -
- Mon Jun 24 2019: CEEA-2019:1343 CentOS 7 python-msrestazure Enhancement -
- Mon Jun 24 2019: CEEA-2019:1341 CentOS 7 python-adal Enhancement -
Errata and Security Advisories
We issued the following CESA (CentOS Errata and Security Advisories) during June:
- Mon Jun 10 2019: CESA-2019:1309 Important CentOS 7 thunderbird Security -
- Mon Jun 10 2019: CESA-2019:1294 Important CentOS 7 bind Security -
- Mon Jun 10 2019: CESA-2019:1310 Important CentOS 6 thunderbird Security -
- Wed Jun 19 2019: CESA-2019:1492 Important CentOS 6 bind Security -
- Wed Jun 19 2019: CESA-2019:1488 Important CentOS 6 kernel Security -
- Wed Jun 19 2019: CESA-2019:1481 Important CentOS 7 kernel Security -
- Thu Jun 20 2019: CESA-2019:1467 Important CentOS 6 python Security -
- Thu Jun 20 2019: CESA-2019:1578 Moderate CentOS 6 libvirt Security -
- Thu Jun 20 2019: CESA-2019:1579 Important CentOS 7 libvirt Security -
- Mon Jun 24 2019: CESA-2019:1587 Important CentOS 7 python Security -
Errata and Bugfix Advisories
We issued the following CEBA (CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisories) during June:
- Mon Jun 10 2019: CEBA-2019:1331 CentOS 7 accountsservice BugFix -
- Mon Jun 10 2019: CEBA-2019:1345 CentOS 7 fence-agents BugFix -
- Mon Jun 10 2019: CEBA-2019:1331 CentOS 7 gjs BugFix -
- Mon Jun 10 2019: CEBA-2019:1331 CentOS 7 glib2 BugFix -
- Mon Jun 10 2019: CEBA-2019:1339 CentOS 7 kernel BugFix -
- Tue Jun 11 2019: CEBA-2019:1339 CentOS 7 kernel BugFix -
SIG Updates
SIGs - Special Interest Groups - are where people work on the stuff that runs on top of CentOS. We have recently started having SIGs report quarterly, so we have just a few of them each month, getting through the entire list every 3 months.
Due to my very late notice to SIGs, we do not have any SIG reports to include in this newsletter. However, we expect to see some posted to the blog over the coming days.
Last week, CentOS was at the Open Source Summit in Shanghai, hanging out at the Red Hat booth. We had interesting conversations with a number of very large companies who said that they use CentOS to power their operations. These included Huawai, Tencent, Alibaba, Rancher, and JD Cloud. These companies trust CentOS's reliability to manage some of the largest clouds in the world, with billions of customers.
In the coming months, there will be many opportunities to catch CentOS at an event near you. Please drop by, say hi, and tell us how you're using CentOS to make the world a better place.
- 2019-07-15 - 07-18: O'Reilly Open Source Software Conference, Portland, OR
- 2019-08-01 - 08-02:, Bangalore
- 2019-08-08 - 08-11: Flock, Budapest
- 2019-08-14:, Boston
- 2019-09-21 - 09-23: Open Source Summit, San Diego
If you are presenting anything about CentOS, at any event anywhere in the world, please do let us know, so that we can promote your presence there, and your talk.
If you'd like to run a CentOS Dojo, or other community event, we may be able to help. Get in touch via the centos-devel mailing list, or via our Twitter account @CentOSProject.
Contributing to CentOS Pulse
We are always on the look-out for people who are interested in helping to:
- Tell us what you're working on
- Provide a report from the SIG on which you participate
- Tell us about an event that you attended where there was CentOS content
- Write an article on an interesting person or topic
- Tell us about a news article that covered the use of CentOS in an interesting way
- Suggest an topic that you'd like to see someone else write an article on
Please see the page with further information about contributing. You can also contact the Promotion SIG, or just email Rich directly ( with ideas or articles that you'd like to see in the next newsletter.
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