CentOS 8 Status 17-June-2019
Monday, 17, June 2019 bstinson builds, distro 19 Comments

Since the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (on 07-May) we've been looking
into the tools that we use to build CentOS Linux. We've chosen to use the Koji
buildsystem for RPMs, paired with the Module Build Service for modules, delivered through a distribution called Mbox.

Mbox allows us to run the Koji Hub (the central job orchestrator), and the Module Build Service in an instance of OKD that we maintain specifically for our buildsystem work. We have 2 instances of mbox; one for the primary architectures (x86_64, ppc64le, and aarch64), and one for the secondary architecture (armhfp). OKD lets us run those instances on the same hardware but in separate namespaces. The builder machines are separate from the OKD cluster, and connect back to the individual buildsystems that they're assigned to.

As usual, you can find the sources for the RPMs and Modules that make up CentOS 8 at https://git.centos.org

Also as usual, we don't forecast dates on when CentOS 8 will release for General Availability, but we will release it as soon as it's ready.

You can follow live updates here: https://wiki.centos.org/About/Building_8

Some Statistics so Far:

Total non-modular Packages: 2542
Packages Built: 2523
Updates to Build: 25
Failed Packages: 17

Total number of Module/Streams: 61
Modules Built: 14
Failed Modules: 0

Secure boot shim status: Done


If you've been following progress closely, you may have noticed that the buildsystems seemed quiet over the past week or so. We were almost through the entire non-modular build cycle when we noticed some modules were required for building the next batch of non-modular packages. We focused, then, on building some of the necessary modules but found some of their dependencies were not pushed to git.centos.org. That problem has since been resolved, and we expect to resume module builds (and unblock the rest of the 17 failed packages) sometime this week.

What's Next?

Once the builds are complete, we are also investigating a consolidated approach to composing the repositories and other artifacts (like cloud images) that make up CentOS 8. See the centos-devel mailing list for discussion on the structure of these artifacts.

We still need to do the following things:

  • Finish all of the component builds
  • Sign all of the built RPMs
  • Send a compose to the QA group for testing
  • Finalize the repo structure on the mirrors
  • Compose CentOS 8

Stay tuned for a followup blog post with another update and Frequently Asked Questions


19 thoughts on "CentOS 8 Status 17-June-2019"
  • datresz says:

    Thanks for the update! Looking forward for the release of CentOS 8!

  • Murat Bedir says:

    We are waiting centos 8. Thanks for efford

  • Shahru says:

    You guys are the best. Keep up the excellent work. Appreciate it.

  • dhogg says:

    Appreciate the hard work, thank for the update.

  • CompuAID! says:

    I am new to Linux based servers. I have tried CentOS, openSUSE, Debian and Slackware, one just for nostalgia, each has their pluses and minuses, over all I pick CentOS as the server to have, I cannot wait for CentOS 8! Thank you all for your hard work and diligence making CentOS the best!

  • JW says:

    Thanks for this update.

    Would appreciate more regular updates to the About/Building 8 Page. Between 08/05/2019 and "Mid-June" There was little if any change to the status page. Information on links from the page is too technical for non-developers such as myself. Even a Progress Counter and an Estimated Completion based on Progress for ALL stages would be an improvement. Not expecting the EC dates to be a guarantee, just gives me an idea of when we might see CentOS.

  • Jacques says:

    Look forward to Centos 8 for my CAD/BIM and graophics workstation. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication.

  • llsx says:

    thanks! your great job!

  • OASH says:

    Thank you soooo much indeed, bless you guys!

  • Mansoor Rasool says:

    I appreciate all of yours hard work for the community. I was preparing for RCHSA/RHCE 7 to write exams but now EL8 introduced therefore anxiously waiting so that write exams once get hands on it. AppStream and Cockpit etc. Nice exciting features.

  • marc says:

    Hi there,
    As I'm really exited by the Centos 8 and news are not that frequent :
    is there is a way to update the Wiki page more frequently ? (at least once a week)

  • jsingh says:

    I am eagerly waiting for the release of CentOS 8. Thanks a lot for your hard work and good luck with the new release!!

  • jacob says:

    Thanks!! CentOS... to all hard work... good luck... CentOS 8 Welcome waiting for the release..

  • Sum Yung Gai says:

    Been using CentOS since version 3. Been appreciating what you've been doing all these years. Thank you.

    With CentOS 8, I'll go ahead and renew my RHCE.

  • Kris says:

    Thanks and appreciate your hard work! I ve been using RH, Centos and RHEL for long.
    Just waiting for Centos8 release in order to renew my RHCSA and RHCE. Would be great if I you can provide an update about a tentative date it will be release

  • nandy says:

    I do not see the progress of working on updating CentOS 8 again after stopping for half a month in the "Release Work" position. Is it not continued or what ??

  • Tanzeel Iqbal says:

    Much Appriciated

  • Habib says:

    Thanks for your hard work ! You are the bests !

  • CompuAID! says:

    CᴇntOS Linux 8.0.1905 UP^

    OS: CᴇntOS Linux 8.0.1905
    LiKe 4.18.0-80.7.1.el8_0.x86_64
    Web Server: Apache/2.4.37 (centos)
    Server Side: PHP 7.2.11
    Python 3.6.8
    DB Server: Informix 14.10.FC1DE (openSUSE)
    Connectors: php informix 1.3.3
    python ifxpy 3.0.1
    Uptime: 24 min, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

    Thanks again for all the hard work!

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