NFV SIG Quarterly Report through May 1st, 2019
The CentOS NFV SIG exists to support Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in CentOS. Specifically, the idea is to be a vehicle to provide packages for implementers of software networks on the CentOS platform.
Membership Update
In this reporting period, we have had little formal participation. However, there has been continued in NFV on CentOS and interest in deploying our packages on CentOS. We are always looking for additional community participation in all aspects of this SIG, including promoting, building releasing other packages for NFV.
Anyone interested in participating in the NFV SIG should subscribe to the generic CentOS mailing list.
Releases and Packages VPP
The past quarter has been a somewhat slow one in terms of actual delivered packages.
However, we did release vpp 19.01.
The outlook for vpp 19.04 and 19.08 is TBD at this point.
There has been some renewed interest in dpdk packaging. At this point, there is no immediate plans to release recent DPDK in NFV SIG.
We would welcome a sponsor to work with the NFV SIG upstream community to bring recent dpdk packages into CentOS NFV SIG.
Health and Activity
The health of NFV SIG could be better. It was originally perceived as the sponsor for getting OPNFV project into the CentOS distribution. However, subsequently OPNFV releases its own CD images. Subsequently it was primarily sponsoring building opendaylight packages which are still built as part of the upstream product CI.
Since Q1 2018 the project has been focused on building packages and dependencies for upstream fast data plane project,
In April, vpp 1901 has been released to mirrors and is currently available in build-logs.
At this point, the NFV SIG is continuing to look for a renewed focus. In particular, we are looking for packages to facilitate containerization and kubernetes. Other ideas and sponsors are welcome.
Issues for the Board
We have no issues to bring to the board’s attention at this time.
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