CentOS Pulse Newsletter, January 2019 (#1901)
Tuesday, 8, January 2019 Rich Bowen Community, Newsletter 1 Comment

Dear CentOS enthusiast,

We wish you a happy and prosperous 2019, full of CentOS!

Releases and updates

December was a very busy month for releases and updates. The following releases and updates happened in December. For each update, the given URL provides the upstream notes about the change.

Errata and Enhancements Advisories

We issued the following CEEA (CentOS Errata and Enhancements Advisories) during December:

Errata and Security Advisories

We issued the following CESA (CentOS Errata and Security Advisories) during December:

Errata and Bugfix Advisories

We issued the following CEBA (CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisories) during December:

Other releases

The following releases also happened during December:


SIG Updates

SIGs - Special Interest Groups - are where people work on the stuff that runs on top of CentOS.

Cloud SIG

Last month the Cloud SIG produced a detailed quarterly report, which you can read in a separate post. This kind of detailed report is what we'd love to see from other SIGs in the future.

Software Collections SIG

The Software Collections SIG has also published a quarterly report, covering their progress in the last few months.

Other SIG Reports

Due to so many people taking time off in December to spend time with friends and family, several other SIG reports are running a little late. Don't worry, they're on the way, and you can see them here, on blogs.centos.org, in the next week or two. Thanks for your patience!


Upcoming events

Coming up in February, we'll be participating in FOSDEM, with a table in the expo area, as most years. Drop by for all your CentOS sticker needs, or to tell us about what you're doing with CentOS! You can find out more about FOSDEM on their website at https://fosdem.org/2019/.

And, on the day before FOSDEM starts, we'll be holding our annual CentOS Dojo, at the Marriott near Grand Place. We'll have a full day of technical presentations (two tracks!) and, of course, the always valuable hallway track where you can talk with other people in the CentOS community. Attendance is free, but we need you to register, so that we can plan. Details, the schedule, and the registration like, are all on the event website at https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/Brussels2019

There's a lot of other events around FOSDEM, too, that you might want to check out. These are loosely called the FOSDEM Fringe, and are listed here: https://fosdem.org/2019/fringe/

Contributing to CentOS Pulse

We are always on the look-out for people who are interested in helping to:

  • report on CentOS community activity
  • provide a report from the SIG on which you participate
  • maintain a (sub-)section of the newsletter
  • write an article on an interesting person or topic
  • provide the hint, tip or trick of the month

Please see the page with further information about contributing. You can also contact the Promotion SIG, or just email Rich directly (rbowen@centosproject.org) with ideas or articles that you'd like to see in the next newsletter.


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